Then the king said to the man of God, 'Intercede with the Lord your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored.'(王对神人说,请你为我祷告,求耶和华你神的恩典使我的手复原。)
Mystics, after all, hear the voice of God from within and don't need a priest to intercede for them.(因为神秘主义者自己从内心深处听到了神的声音,而无需一位牧师来担任中保。)
She asked her former suitor to intercede for her with the philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.(她请求前追求者出面疏通与慈善家安德鲁·卡内基的关系。)
I do. I knew that to intercede for George would have been to ruin his cause.(我了解他。我知道,为乔治说情,就会毁了他的事。)
Also common to the prophets is their ability to intercede for their people.(还共同向先知,是他们的能力,为他们的人民。)
Then the LORD said to me: Do not intercede for this people.(上主对我说:“你不要为这人民求情!”)
However, as you know, we have friends in high places, who are ready to intercede on our behalf.(然而,正如你们所知,我们在高层有朋友,他们会随时为我们出面调解。)
Of course we know the happy ending—God sends down an angel to intercede at the very last minute.(当然,我们知道幸福的结局——上帝派一名天使下凡在最后时刻阻止了他的行为。)
Speedy comfort balance skin PH, shrink pore, availability intercede skin enginery .(可迅速舒缓平衡肌肤PH值,收缩毛孔,有效调解肌肤机能。收藏。)
I came to intercede for a young man.(我曾来为一个青年人说情。)
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