英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:54:48



英 [ˈɪntəkɒm]

美 [ˈɪntərkɑ:m]



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  • 对讲机
  • 内部通话装置,内部通话系统


1. a communication system linking different rooms within a building or ship etc

Synonym: intercommunication system

1. 内部通话系统(或设备);对讲机
An intercom is a small box with a microphone which is connected to a loudspeaker in another room. You use it to talk to the people in the other room.


1. 对讲机:到屋子后部注意到对讲机(intercom)和布告板(notice board).去布告板那里拿到大头针(pin)小钥匙(small key),并阅读所有的海报尤其是Follies 1918和时间表(schedule).


2. 室內對講機:电话、室内对讲机(intercom)不能算是pa系统. 近年来视觉信息的进步与发达,藉听觉、视觉来完成讯号的传输,成了pa系统的新领域. 由上表看来,pa音响器材与hi-fi音响器材的确有很大的不同. 最重要的一个原因乃在于用途的不同.

3. intercom

3. 对讲:远端用户(Remote turret) 的功能,能使用的功能与Host端用户完全相同, 经由T1 或E1连接到 Host 端, 远端交易员可以使用内部对讲(intercom)及麦克风扩音方式与公司不同点的交易员或客户对讲,单一值机台提供三组以上通话管道.

4. 内部通讯系统:两路独立内部通讯系统(Intercom)具有多区彩色矩阵功能(Multi Matrix)、自动调整高亮度控制功能(True-eye)、三频道肤色细节校正功能 (Skin detail)、转折点饱和度控制功能(Knee saturation))以及暗层饱和度控制功能 ( Black gama)

5. intercom:intercommunication system; 内部通信系统,双向通信系统

  • 经典引文

  • The captain came on the intercom to inform the passengers that the plane had burst a..tyre.

    出自:D. Lodge
Monica: Hey. It's him. (On the intercom) Who is it?(嘿,是他。(对讲机)哪位?)
Sitting behind his desk, Richard tries to rub the sleep out of his eyes. RECEPTIONIST talks on intercom.(理查德坐在办公桌后,试图擦掉眼里的睡意。电话机里传出接待员的声音。)
Intercom. Mount type and technology type can be specified.(对讲机。可指定安装类型和技术类型。)
They called him on the intercom.(他们用内部通话系统呼叫他。)
Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.(在对讲机里广播寻找你自己,别掩饰自己的声音。)
The board meeting of International intercom inc. was proceeding at its usual pace: a boring meeting.(国际内部通信系统有限公司的董事会按它通常的速度执行着:一个无聊的会议。)
The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.(对讲机嗡嗡地响起来,他按下了相应的开关。)
The game had just kicked off when his intercom buzzed.(但游戏刚开始他的对讲机就响了。)
The third part is the design of visual intercom system.(第三部分阐述的是可视对讲系统的设计。)
Kathleen: (into the intercom) I have a terrible cold, can you hear that?(凯瑟琳:(对着对讲机讲)我感冒了,你听到了吗?)
intercom是什么意思 intercom在线翻译 intercom什么意思 intercom的意思 intercom的翻译 intercom的解释 intercom的发音 intercom的同义词