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英 [ˌɪntəkəˈnekt]

美 [ˌɪntərkəˈnekt]


形容词: interconnectible 名词: interconnectedness 过去式: interconnected 过去分词: interconnected 现在分词: interconnecting 第三人称单数: interconnects

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  • 网络解释

  • 使互相连接,使互相联系
  • 私人电话与公用电话网连接起来的,互联的,直达连接的



1. cause to be interconnected or interwoven

Synonym: interlink

2. be interwoven or interconnected

e.g. The bones are interconnected via the muscle

Synonym: complectinterlink

1. (使)相互连接;(使)互相联系
Things that interconnect or are interconnected are connected to or with each other. You can also say that one thing interconnects with another.


e.g. The causes are many and may interconnect...
e.g. Their lives interconnect with those of celebrated figures of the late eighteenth-century...

1. 相互连接:、代理宿主(Surrogate Host)、宿主资源(Host Resources)和相互连接(Interconnect). 组件之间的关系如图2所示[6]. EIB网络中每个节点是一个EIB设备. 一个EIB系统中最大可以安装60 000个设备. 每个EIB设备中有一个嵌入式微控制器用来运行通信协议.

2. interconnect的近义词

2. 互连:成为后CMOS时代结束后最有希望的接班技术?以下是Meindl所提供的六个理由?2. 其载流子迁移率(carrier mobility)超过200,000cm2/Vs,为硅的100-1000倍;6. 能做为场效应晶体管(FET)的源/通道极,也能做为互连(interconnect).

3. 互联:像刚才您讲的,实在核数越多,性能并不是线性的增加,它的重要瓶颈在于核与核之间的互联(interconnect),假如互联题目解决不好,增加核以后,性能很快会处于饱和状态.

  • 经典引文

  • The human brain is composed of..nerve cells, each of which projects..fibres that..interconnect.

    出自:Scientific American
  • A maze of interconnected waterways.

    出自:T. Mo
Apple's iPod and Nike's running shoes can interconnect so that the music player can select songs that match the jogger's pace.(苹果公司的ipod和耐克公司的跑鞋可以相互合作,这样,音乐播放器就可以选择适合跑步者节奏的音乐。)
Using the Bridge Federate is one of the approaches to interconnect HLA multiple federations.(实现多联邦互连有多种方法,桥接成员是其中一种。)
A SCA module contains a set of components, external services, entry points, and the wires that interconnect them.(sca模块包含一系列组件、外部服务、入口点,以及用于衔接这些部分的机制。)
The DUTs and interconnect cabling should also be shielded to prevent noise pickup.(DUT和互连电缆也应该是屏蔽的,防止拾取噪声。)
The organizations also agreed to interconnect the services where applicable with other interagency initiatives.(同时,情报组织之内还将进行内部互连,以确保服务可以被其他机构所使用。)
Now that almost everything is wired and all kinds of services are offered online, machines and software need to be able to interconnect.(现在是样样连网,网络提供了一切服务,设备和软件必须要互相连接。)
The HSB should be able to interconnect any healthcare application that USES WSDL and SOAP for interoperability.(HSB应该能够与任何使用WSDL和SOAP的医疗保健应用程序相互连接。)
Each pod has its own processors and memory, and is connected to the larger system through a cache-coherent interconnect bus.(每个pod具有自己的处理器和内存,并通过一条高速缓存一致性互连总线(cache-coherentinterconnectbus)连接到较大的系统。)
The causes are many and may interconnect.(原因很多,而且还可能互相关联。)
By choosing Axis, it becomes much easier to process messages and interconnect active objects using messages.(通过选择Axis,处理消息和使用消息来互连活动对象就变得容易多了。)
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