英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 16:24:15



英 [ɪnˈtɜ:n]

美 [ɪnˈtɜ:rn]




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名词: internship 过去式: interned 过去分词: interned 现在分词: interning 第三人称单数: interns

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 实习医师,实习医生
  • 实习生,实习学生,毕业实习生
  • 实习教师,见习教员
  • 助理兽医
  • 住院实习医生
  • 见习教师、记者等
  • 被拘留者,拘留犯
  • 拘留,软禁,拘禁,拘押,扣留,禁闭,关押
  • 当实习医师,做实习医生
  • 当见习教师、记者
  • 作实习生


1. an advanced student or graduate in medicine gaining supervised practical experience (`houseman' is a British term)

Synonym: internehousemanmedical intern


1. work as an intern

e.g. The young doctor is interning at the Medical Center this year

2. deprive of freedom

e.g. During WW II, Japanese were interned in camps in the West

The verb is pronounced /ɪn'tɜːn/. The noun is pronounced /'ɪntɜːn/. 动词读作 /ɪn'tɜːn/。名词读作 /'ɪntɜːn/。

1. (因政治原因)拘留,扣押
If someone is interned, they are put in prison or in a prison camp for political reasons.

e.g. He was interned as an enemy alien at the outbreak of the Second World War.

2. 实习生;(尤指)实习医师
An intern is an advanced student or a recent graduate, especially in medicine, who is being given practical training under supervision.

1. intern的近义词

1. 实习医生:后来,我了解道,外国医学生包括绝大部分中国医学本科毕业生是可以在美国接受正规临床医生训练的,训练过程包括:实习医生(intern),住院医生(resident) 和专科医生(fellow) 训练.

2. intern

2. 实习医师:在见习结束后即进入实习医师(intern)的阶段,目前由於各医院普遍缺乏住院医师,因此多数医学生的最后两年均担任实习医师,实习医师必须轮流派至各科实习,以吸取临床经验;由於不具备执行医疗业务的资格(此阶段尚未考医师执照),

3. 实习教师:有资格去应徵通过的本科考试科目,获聘用后成为正式教师. 可以得到教师福利,并且可以把在教师执照课程的学生身分改为实习教师(Intern)身分,同时可抵免实习(Student Teaching)学分.

  • 经典引文

  • At the outbreak of war, they were in France where Franz was interned as an enemy alien.

    出自:S. Spender
  • When they caught me peddling I was interned for six months in a work camp.

    出自:B. Malamud
The editorial followed the murder of an intern at the paper.(该报的一名实习生死于谋杀从而引发了这篇社论。)
"Nothing much for us to do," the intern said grimly.(“我们根本无能为力了,”实习生伤感地说道。)
The intern was right; there really wasn't anything for us to do.(那个实习生其实说的是事实,我们再没有任何帮得到他的地方了。)
Do you have a team of writers and project managers, or you and an intern?(你是否有写手和项目经理,还是你和一个实习生?)
What Mr Perlin wants is an intern bill of rights.(佩林想要的是一项关于实习生权利的法案。)
The FBI’s goal is to hire every intern.(FBI的目标是雇用所有的实习生。)
Isn't the whole point of an intern to make your life easier?(不是整个观点都是“实习生让你的生活更容易”吗?)
The intern likely took the letter again once nobody was watching it.(这名实习生很可能在没人看到的时候又拿了那封信。)
For our younger readers, how does one become an intern at Microsoft?(对于我们的年轻读者而言,怎样才能成为一名微软的实习生呢?)
Revised by Jen Loux, William and Mary Intern, November 1995.(詹.劳克斯,威廉,玛丽,校订。1995年11月。)
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