英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 16:27:31



英 [ˈɪnʌndeɪt]

美 [ˈɪnʌnˌdet, ˈɪnən-]


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形容词: inundatory 名词: inundation 过去式: inundated 过去分词: inundated 现在分词: inundating 第三人称单数: inundates

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  • 扑来
  • 压倒
  • 淹没, 浸没
  • 泛滥,向泛滥
  • (使)充满
  • 使不胜负荷
  • 使应接不暇
  • (给予或交予太多事物)使难以应付


1. fill or cover completely, usually with water

Synonym: delugesubmerge

2. fill quickly beyond capacity
as with a liquid

e.g. the basement was inundated after the storm
The images flooded his mind

Synonym: delugefloodswamp

1. (信件、要求、请求等)使应接不暇,使不胜负荷
If you say that you are inundated with things such as letters, demands, or requests, you are emphasizing that you receive so many of them that you cannot deal with them all.

e.g. Her office was inundated with requests for tickets...
e.g. They have inundated me with fan letters.

2. 淹没;泛滥
If an area of land is inundated, it becomes covered with water.


e.g. Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.

1. 淹没:飞来飞去真休闲(fallow)嘴唇可修剪(clip),离开可分裂(cleave),圆木可阻碍(clog),可变多阻塞(clot)坐那约会要安定(sedate),蚂蚁约会要提前(antedate),男生约会下命令(mandate),里面否定才淹没(inundate)家里有罐子(jar),


2. 水淹:hurricane 飓风 | inundate 水淹 | jetty 防波堤

3. inundate什么意思

3. 泛滥:intussusception 肠套叠 | inundate 泛滥 | inundation 淹水

4. inundate

4. 淹没;使充满:intrigue激起兴趣;密谋;策划阴谋 | inundate淹没;使充满 | infiltrate渗入,通过,透过

  • 经典引文

  • Rain fell heavily; the plain they were crossing became inundated.

    出自:J. Barnes
A Swiss government panel recommended that the country sell about half of its gold reserves and this raised fears of other countries that do the same and inundate the market.(瑞士政府的一个小组建议该国出售大约一半的黄金储备,这引发了对其他国家采取同样做法并淹没市场的担忧。)
As the stores inundate us with CARDS, tokens, and advertisements, and we begin to dream of red hearts as we sleep, it's easy to feel a sense of obligation to join the romantic hysteria.(当商店充斥着情人节卡片,节日标号和广告时,而我们做梦时也梦见那一颗颗红心的时候,很容易不自觉感到浪漫的兴奋。)
The course changes frequently, and the area is so flat that a small change in the level of the river may inundate a considerable area.(河道变化多端,下游地区却很平坦,水位少许上涨河流就会淹没一大片土地。)
The earthquake took there a tsunami that could inundate low-lying lands as far away as Japan.(地震在这些地带引发了一次海啸,远至日本的一些低地都被海水淹没。)
Deluge: To overrun with water; inundate.(淹没:被水淹没;使泛滥。)
Even a one-meter rise in sea level would inundate half of Bangladesh's rice-growing land, forcing the relocation of 40 million people.(海平面如果上升一米,孟加拉国一半的粮食耕种土地将被淹没,同时也会迫使4千万居民避难。)
Oftware Description: About Superior Search 2005, The flood of data continues to inundate us, urgently needed information is often hard to find, and that costs time, nerves and money.(uperiorSearch2005洪水般是数据持续不断地淹没着我们,迫切需要的信息通常很难找到,同时浪费了时间,耐性和金钱。)
The problem is that if the server goes down, clients will continue to inundate the network with requests.(但问题是,如果服务器宕机了,那么客户端将继续使用请求塞满网络。)
The goal is both to let users know that new add-ons have been installed and let the add-on help the user move forward without needing to show popup dialogs or inundate the user.(设计的目标包括,让用户能够知道附加组件已经被安装,并且在安装之后不应该使用弹出对话框或者某种方式来干扰用户的正常使用。)
A makeshift levee failed in Winfield, Missouri allowing the Mississippi River to inundate the town.(密苏里州温菲尔德地区的一处临时防洪堤决堤,使得密西西比河河水淹没了整个城镇。)
inundate是什么意思 inundate在线翻译 inundate什么意思 inundate的意思 inundate的翻译 inundate的解释 inundate的发音 inundate的同义词