1. 本能;天性
Instinct is the natural tendency that a person or animal has to behave or react in a particular way.
e.g. I didn't have as strong a maternal instinct as some other mothers...
e.g. The basis for training relies on the dog's natural instinct to hunt and retrieve...
2. 天分;天资;天赋的才能
If you have an instinct for something, you are naturally good at it or able to do it.
e.g. Farmers are increasingly losing touch with their instinct for managing the land...
e.g. Irene is so incredibly musical and has a natural instinct to perform.
3. 本能反应;心里的话
If it is your instinct to do something, you feel that it is right to do it.
e.g. I should've gone with my first instinct, which was not to do the interview...
e.g. She hadn't followed her instinct and because of this Frank was dead.
4. 直觉
Instinct is a feeling that you have that something is the case, rather than an opinion or idea based on facts.
e.g. There is scientific evidence to support our instinct that being surrounded by plants is good for health...
e.g. He seems so honest and genuine and my every instinct says he's not.