英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:01:52



英 [ˌɪrɪ'teɪʃn]

美 [ˌɪrɪˈteʃən]



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  • 刺激物
  • 激怒,生气,恼怒,气愤
  • 疼痛
  • 发炎
  • 恼人事
  • 【医】刺激,过敏
  • 焦躁,烦躁
  • 兴奋
  • 无名火,怒火
  • 反感
  • 芥蒂


1. the act of troubling or annoying someone

Synonym: annoyanceannoyingvexation

2. unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment

Synonym: aggravationprovocation

3. an uncomfortable feeling of mental painfulness or distress

Synonym: discomfortsoreness

4. a sudden outburst of anger

e.g. his temper sparked like damp firewood

Synonym: piquetemper

5. the neural or electrical arousal of an organ or muscle or gland

Synonym: excitationinnervation

6. the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed

Synonym: annoyancevexationbotheration

7. (pathology) abnormal sensitivity to stimulation

e.g. any food produced irritation of the stomach

1. 生气,气恼,恼怒(尤指事情无法阻止或控制时)
Irritation is a feeling of annoyance, especially when something is happening that you cannot easily stop or control.

e.g. For the first time Leonard felt irritation at her methods...
e.g. He tried not to let his irritation show as he blinked in the glare of the television lights.

2. 恼人事;烦心事
An irritation is something that keeps annoying you.


e.g. Don't allow a minor irritation in the workplace to mar your ambitions...
e.g. He describes the tourists as an irritation.

3. 刺激;发炎;轻微疼痛
Irritation in a part of your body is a feeling of slight pain and discomfort there.

e.g. These oils may cause irritation to sensitive skins...
e.g. This is an irritation and inflammation of the edge of the eyelid.

1. 刺激:(四)椎间孔(Foramen)的构造与功能:当椎间孔错位(Subluxation)时,对神经系统即造成刺激(irritation)、或压迫(disease). 对动脉、静脉、淋巴管也同样会产生影响. (五)小面关节(Apophyseal joint)的构造与功能:

2. 愤怒:irritate 激怒、使急噪;刺激 | irritation 愤怒 | isolate 使隔离、使孤立;隔离种群

3. 刺激,兴奋:irritability 应激性,兴奋性 | irritation 刺激,兴奋 | IR spectrophotometer 红外线分光光度计

4. 激怒;被激怒:irregularity 不规则, 无规律 | irritation 激怒;被激怒 | isolating 孤立的,绝缘的

  • 经典引文

  • Arts and sciences..vast machinery for the irritation and development of the human intellect.

    出自:De Quincey
Martin nodded, but felt a rasp of irritation.(马丁点点头,却也感到一阵温怒。)
The real irritation comes when you want to buy electrons, not atoms.(真正令人恼火的事在于你想买的是电子时,却往往只能得到原子。)
Leshka waved him away with a show of irritation.(廖什卡生气地挥手示意他离开。)
With irritation in his voice, he said, "I don't need to write that down!"(他语气有些恼火的说,“我不需要写下来!”)
This kind of anger and irritation happens to all of us-it's part of the human experience.(这类气愤和恼怒发生在我们每个人的生活中——它是人生体验的一部分。)
These oils may cause irritation to sensitive skins.(这几种油可能会对敏感皮肤有刺激。)
On the other side there's only darkness, heat, silence, irritation, doubt, dejection.(另一面只有黑暗,酷热,寂静,懊恼,猜疑和沮丧。)
Ty complained to Jeff, in mock irritation, "She's holding me hostage."(泰假装生气地向抱怨杰夫,“她把我当作人质扣押。”)
Many women experience skin irritation when using mineral makeup and don't know why.(很多女性用了矿物化妆品导致皮肤有问题的,但是却不知道为什么。)
If the irritation is severe enough, a sleeping person will arouse, clear the airway, then resume breathing and likely return to sleep.(如果刺激足够剧烈,睡着的人就会醒来并清理气道,恢复呼吸,并很可能再度陷入睡眠中。)
irritation是什么意思 irritation在线翻译 irritation什么意思 irritation的意思 irritation的翻译 irritation的解释 irritation的发音 irritation的同义词