英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 16:36:00


英 ['dʒepədaɪz]

美 [ˈdʒɛpɚˌdaɪz]

vt. 使 ... 遭遇危险; 危及

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使 ... 遭遇危险
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1. pose a threat to
present a danger to

e.g. The pollution is endangering the crops

Synonym: endangerjeopardizemenacethreatenimperilperil

1. 危害:jeopard 危及 | jeopardise 危害 | jeopardize 危害

2. jeopardise

2. 冒着:infringe 侵犯 | jeopardise 冒着 | lapse失误,终止

3. 使受危险, 危及:The crowd jeered at the politicians who had failed in the election那群人嘲笑落选的政... | jeopardise使受危险, 危及 | The old bus started with a jerk.(急拉;猛扯;突然的猛烈动作)这辆旧公共汽车发动时颠了一...

4. jeopardise

4. 见:696ivoryn. 象牙,乳白色; a. 象牙制的,乳白色的 | 697jeopardise见jeopardize | 698jeopardizev. 危害,使受危困,使陷危地

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Why would he jeopardise his future by taking unauthorized drugs?(他为什么要服用违禁药品,而毁了自己的将来呢?)
Over-generous pay settlements will jeopardise economic recovery.(这样过于慷慨地解决工资问题将严重损害经济复苏。)
A newspaper that tries to charge will jeopardise online advertising, which often accounts for 10-15% of revenues.(收费将会危及占总收入10-15%的在线广告收入。)
I will not engage in any unethical or illegal conduct, or in any activity that could jeopardise my responsibilities.(我不会参加任何违反职业道德或者是违法的活动,或者任何违反我的职责的活动。)
We do not want to jeopardise any company's long-term future for the sake of our short-term gain.(我们不想为了我们的短期利益而损害任何公司的长远未来。)
They are reluctant to do anything to jeopardise their prospects.(他们不愿做任何危及他们的前途的事的。)
Brussels has warned Ukraine that, were it to join this customs union, it would jeopardise its partnership with the EU.(布鲁塞尔已发出警告,如果乌克兰加入关税同盟,那么将会威胁到其与欧盟的关系。)
The overwhelming majority of women feel that any reference to harbouring a working uterus could jeopardise their chances of landing the role.(绝大多数女性认为任何涉及怀孕的事都可能降低他们应聘成功的可能性。)
The fallout of ash over parts of Iceland could jeopardise the safety of drinking water.(落到冰岛一些地方的火山灰沉降物可能会威胁饮用水安全。)
As a result, the rise in fires could jeopardise the long-term success of schemes to reduce emissions from deforestation, they added.(他们接着说,火灾数量增加的结果,可能危及到减少毁林排放计划的长期成就。)
jeopardise是什么意思 jeopardise在线翻译 jeopardise什么意思 jeopardise的意思 jeopardise的翻译 jeopardise的解释 jeopardise的发音 jeopardise的同义词