英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:06:09



英 [ˈdʒɒkjələ(r)]

美 [ˈdʒɑ:kjələ(r)]


副词: jocularly 名词: jocularity

  • 英英释义

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1. characterized by jokes and good humor

Synonym: jestingjocosejoking


1. with humor

e.g. they tried to deal with this painful subject jocularly

Synonym: jocosely

1. 开朗的;爱开玩笑的;幽默的;诙谐的
If you say that someone has a jocular manner, you mean that they are cheerful and often make jokes or try to make people laugh.


e.g. He was in a less jocular mood than usual...
e.g. The song was written in a light-hearted jocular way.

1. 滑稽的, 诙谐的:- lighthearted 无忧无虑且快乐的 | - jocular 滑稽的, 诙谐的 | - apologetic 谦卑的,充满歉意的

2. jocular的反义词

2. 诙谐的:jocosity 诙谐 | jocular 诙谐的 | jocularity 滑稽

3. 开玩笑的:light-hearted轻松的 | jocular开玩笑的 | facetious嘻皮笑脸的

4. jocular什么意思

4. 滑稽的:jocosity /开玩笑/诙谐/戏谑/ | jocular /滑稽的/ | jocularity /滑稽/戏弄/笑话/

  • 经典引文

  • Trying to be jocular and making a bad joke about tragic heroines.

    出自:B. T. Bradford
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

It was apparently of a jocular nature, for he felt impelled to slap his leg and cram his fist into his mouth.(很明显地,出于一种滑稽的天性,他感觉被某种力量驱使着,去拍打自己的大腿,把拳头塞进嘴里。)
We were used to Guy, to the jocular way he planted and twisted stilettos between his wife's ribs.(我们都习惯了Guy、习惯了他插他妻子”脊梁骨“时滑稽的方式。)
He was in a less jocular mood than usual.(他的情绪不像平时那么诙谐了。)
His jocular "you see a new man before you", caused me to look up, and to smile shyly at a healthier and more peaceful looking man.(他逗趣地说:“瞧,一个焕然一新的我站在你们面前”。我抬起头,对着这个身体越发健康,面容祥和的男人露出羞涩的微笑。)
Halsey gave Victor Henry jocular prod with two fingers.(海尔赛打趣地用两个手指戳了维克多·亨利一下。)
Za fu of "surrounding tribes and ware" are written in a jocular and mocking note, and they are works in a chanting style about the national struggles, national fusions and national cultures.(“杂四夷及兵赋”包括用诙谐嘲谑的笔触所写的反映民族斗争、民族融合、民族文化的韵诵体作品。)
With the lapsing of our old activity of inventing and enacting adventures, Joe Weller and I diverted our wild imaginings on several occasions to a jocular vein.(我和乔·韦勒已经不再虚构和实施冒险故事,而代之以制造场合性的笑料来消遣时光。)
Some of the participating artists use "small" artistic mediums to express their motif: Huixin reveals "cultural invasion" by toy-sized sculptures and in a jocular way;(在参展的艺术家当中,有的是以“小”的创作形式来表达他们某一创作主题:惠欣以玩具大小的雕塑、戏谑的方式提示出“文化侵略”的现实;)
But, despite its seeming absurdity and nonsensicality, it brings to light the moral weaknesses of the English upper class and other problems in modern English society in a jocular manner.(尽管剧中大量对话和情节表面上显得荒诞无稽,但却以轻松、戏谑的笔调暴露和讽刺了英国上流社会人士的种种弱点及现代英国社会的种种弊端。)
At one of those great dinners he plied me with renewals of chicken, dumpling, potato, all in a jocular spirit, and I obediently ate myself sick.(在一次这样丰盛的晚餐上,他不断地往我的盘子里送鸡肉、汤圆和土豆,逗着我吃,我顺从地吃了,一直吃到想吐。)
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