英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈdʒɔ:ndɪs]

美 [ˈdʒɔndɪs, ˈdʒɑn-]



过去式: jaundiced 过去分词: jaundiced 现在分词: jaundicing 第三人称单数: jaundices

Many newborn babies have mild jaundice because their livers are not fully developed.(很多新生儿宝宝有轻微的黄疸是因为他们的肝脏还没发育成熟。)
Objective To observe curative effect and safety of Kuhuang granule in treatment of jaundice virus hepatitis.(目的:观察苦黄颗粒剂治疗黄疸型病毒性肝炎的效果及安全性。)
That study reported cases of jaundice, and at least one subject having "most distressing palpitations of the heart."(那项研究报道了一些黄疸病例,还有至少一名接受实验者犯有“最令人痛苦的心悸”。)
Four presented with symptoms of fever or jaundice and the other 30 were asymptomatic.(有4人出现发烧和黄疸症状,其他30人则无症状。)
Both cases were reported by the Yellow fever surveillance system and presented with symptoms of fever and jaundice.(两起病例都是黄热病监测系统报告的,显示了发烧和黄疸症状。)
To study the ascendency of different methods in obstuctive jaundice.(目的:分析梗阻性黄疸的各种影像学检查方法优势。)
Infected children under six years of age do not usually experience noticeable symptoms, and only 10% develop jaundice.(通常6岁以下受感染儿童没有明显的症状,只有10%的人出现黄疸。)
Jaundice appears as one often does not subside.(黄疸一经出现,往往不会消退。)
Ask your doctor about jaundice and other newborn health conditions.(向你的医生请教黄疸和新生儿健康方面的问题吧。)
Rapid progress of neonatal jaundice to timely medical treatment.(对黄疸进展迅速的新生儿要及时就医。)
  • 详情解释

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  • 偏见
  • 【医】黄疸(病),黄疸症,肝炎
  • 嫉妒,妒忌,猜忌
  • 发黄
  • 乖僻
  • 由妒忌引起的抱怨的、偏见的心理状态
  • 使怀偏见,持有偏见
  • 使患黄疸病
  • 使产生黄疸
  • 使妒忌,使猜忌
  • 通过妒忌使抱怨



1. a rough and bitter manner

Synonym: bitternessacrimonyacerbitytartnessthorniness

2. yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the blood
can be a symptom of gallstones or liver infection or anemia

Synonym: icterus


1. affect with, or as if with, jaundice

2. distort adversely

e.g. Jealousy had jaundiced his judgment

1. 黄疸(病)
Jaundice is an illness that makes your skin and eyes become yellow.

1. 黄疸:黄疸: 黄疸(jaundice)是由于胆色素代谢障碍,血浆中胆红素含量增高,使皮肤、巩膜、粘膜等被染成黄色的一种病理变化和临床表现. 正常血清总胆红素含量在1.0毫克%以下,当超过2毫克%时,临床上出现黄疸. 若血胆红素的浓度已超过正常范围,


2. 黄疸病:Rotor Syndrome称为Rotor综合征,是一种罕见的儿童或青少年期黄疸病(jaundice). 病因由于肝细胞对胆红素运转及排泄产生障碍,因而胆红素返流血循环中,使到结合胆红素(conjugated bilirubin)增高,引起黄疸. 这是一种先天性肝脏病,

3. jaundice

3. 黃膽:三岁的猫出现黄胆(Jaundice)现象,请问可能原因有那些?胰脏炎(pancreatitis)的发病机制一般以(共同通道理论)来解释胰脏炎(pancreatitis)的致病机制.5岁母猫,有2个月渐进性的呼吸鼾声(Stertor),偶尔打喷嚏(无分泌物),临床检查发现,

4. 疸:关键词:肝功能 临床评价 胆红素 徐新献 [胆红素的正常代谢] 黄疸(jaundice)是症状也是体征,它是指血中胆红素浓度增高,导致巩膜、粘膜、皮肤及体液发生黄染的现象.

  • 经典引文

  • Jealousie, the jaundice of the soul.

  • 'It sounds dry,' I said with jaundice.

    出自:D. Francis
jaundice是什么意思 jaundice在线翻译 jaundice什么意思 jaundice的意思 jaundice的翻译 jaundice的解释 jaundice的发音 jaundice的同义词