Every evening, jot down the top20 tasks to be done the next day, and review the list several times throughout the day.(每天晚上,把第二天要做的前20项工作简要地写下来,并在这一天当中,反复看几遍这个单子。)
Have a pad and pencil ready and jot down some of your thoughts.(准备一本便笺簿和一支铅笔,迅速地记下你的一些想法。)
Jot down the thought or idea and go back to what you were doing.(简单记下想法或念头,然后回去做你刚才做的事情。)
open up a Word file. Or, failing that, jot down a few notes on a legal pad.(也许不用打开word文档,我可以直接在拍纸簿上记下一些好点子。)
Jot down questions which occur while you're reading, or any new ideas or insights.(记下阅读中碰到的问题,或者任何新想法或思考。)
Christine uses her journal to jot down ideas and lists of things to do.(克里斯蒂娜用她的日志簿简单记下自己的想法和要做的事情清单。)
Jot down the first twenty ideas that come to mind.(抄下心中浮现的前20个主意。)
Before bed, jot down what's on your mind and then set it aside for tomorrow.(睡觉前,草草记下你想的东西然后放一边明天再说。)
Keep a notepad handy and jot down cause and effect, observations, and hypotheses.(用一个笔记本记下每次暂停时的情况,观察并推测原因。)
You jot down your message on a piece of paper and stuff it in an addressed envelope.(您很快在纸上写下这条消息并把它装在写有地址的信封里。)
jot down是什么意思 jot down在线翻译 jot down什么意思 jot down的意思 jot down的翻译 jot down的解释 jot down的发音 jot down的同义词