英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 16:38:48



英 [ˈdʒu:bɪlənt]

美 [ˈdʒubələnt]


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副词: jubilantly 名词: jubilance

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  • 喜气洋洋的
  • 欢欣鼓舞的
  • 欢腾的
  • 令人喜悦的
  • 欢呼的
  • 欢呼雀跃的
  • 兴高采烈的
  • 欣喜若狂
  • 喜形于色
  • 扬声欢呼的


1. joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success

e.g. rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day
a triumphal success
a triumphant shout

Synonym: exultantexultingpridefulrejoicingtriumphaltriumphant

2. full of high-spirited delight

e.g. a joyful heart

Synonym: elatedgleefuljoyful

1. (因为成功而)欢欣鼓舞的,欣喜若狂的
If you are jubilant, you feel extremely happy because of a success.

e.g. Ferdinand was jubilant after making an impressive comeback from a month on the injured list.
e.g. ...the jubilant crowds of Paris.


1. 欢乐:Jimny 吉姆尼 | Jubilant 欢乐 | Jumbocruiser 巨型巡洋舰

2. 喜洋洋的:J jealous 嫉妒 | jubilant 喜洋洋的 | lazy 懒惰

3. jubilant是什么意思

3. 欢呼的:jubilancy 欢呼 | jubilant 欢呼的 | jubilantly 欢欣地

4. 欢乐 英国赫斯代尔公司:Journey 旅行 日本五十铃汽车工业公司 | Jubilant 欢乐 英国赫斯代尔公司 | Junior 少年 日本日产汽车工业公司

  • 经典引文

  • He..wrote a jubilant letter as if all the difficulties in his career had now been overcome.

    出自:E. Jones
  • Mrs. Rice..was still flushed and jubilant over her victory.

    出自:J. G. Farrell
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

So why were they so jubilant about the loan?(因此他们为什么对这笔贷款如此欣喜呢?)
Indians call it "playing colors" a jubilant scrum of horseplay and body painting.(印度人称此为“色彩的游戏”,一群人疯狂的,尽情的喧闹和人体彩绘。)
The team were greeted by thousands of jubilant supporters.(该队受到了上千名欢欣鼓舞的支持者的欢迎。)
Fish were gathered here, where jubilant.(鱼们在这里聚会、在这里欢腾。)
They surged through cheering and Shouting and were be met by jubilant West Berliners on the other side.(他们蜂拥而至,欢呼着、叫喊着,和在墙另一边同样欢呼雀跃的西柏林市民相见。)
Although Tom's ear tingled, his heart was jubilant.(虽然汤姆的耳朵有点刺痛,但他的心却很高兴。)
And yet the mood of this exhausted country is far from jubilant.(然而这个精疲力尽的国家其心情远谈不上高兴。)
Before his eyes was a sea of jubilant people.(他眼前是一片欢腾的人海。)
They practised cautiously, after supper, with right fair success, and so they spent a jubilant evening.(晚饭后他们小心地练习,取得了不错的成绩,因此他们度过了一个欢乐的夜晚。)
This time Airbus is jubilant.(现在该是空客扬眉吐气了。)
jubilant是什么意思 jubilant在线翻译 jubilant什么意思 jubilant的意思 jubilant的翻译 jubilant的解释 jubilant的发音 jubilant的同义词