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更新时间:2025-03-24 16:39:10



英 [ˈdʒu:dəʊ]

美 [ˈdʒu:doʊ]


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名词: judoist

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  • 柔道(日本一种拳术,已发展为一项体育运动,用作徒手防卫的手段)
  • 日本柔术
  • 现代柔术


1. a sport adapted from jujitsu (using principles of not resisting) and similar to wrestling
developed in Japan

1. 柔道;柔术
Judo is a sport in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground.

1. [日语]柔道:jujitsu[日语]柔术 | judo[日语]柔道 | karate[日语]空手道

2. 十六、柔道:(2)女子Women | 十六、柔道Judo | (13)女子50米步枪3种姿势Women's 50m Rifle 3 Positions

3. 盲人柔道 工人体育馆:8 Goalball 盲人门球 北京理工大学体育馆 | 9 Judo 盲人柔道 工人体育馆 | 10 Powerlifting 举重 北京航空航天大学体育馆

Now we add other styles of fighting, including boxing, judo, and tae kwon do.(如今我们加入了其他战斗方式,包括拳击、柔道和跆拳道。)
I'm practicing judo.(我正在练习柔道。)
Ryan Reser first got involved in judo at age five.(瑞安·里色尔第一次接触柔道,只有五岁。)
Another began judo lessons after the embassy of Japan donated mats and uniforms.(还有一个班在日本使馆捐赠垫子和练功服以后开始上柔道课。)
These include sessions of judo, badminton and water polo.(这方面包括柔道,羽毛球和水球。)
He threw me to the ground with a judo throw.(他用柔道摔法把我摔倒在地。)
Sudan took silver in the men's 800-meter race. And Algeria took silver in men's Judo.(银牌除了摩洛哥的男子马拉松,还有南非的男子跳远,苏丹的男子800米跑以及阿尔及利亚的男子柔道项目。)
Putin, 58, has a black belt in judo.(58岁的普京是柔道黑带。)
Putin is wearing his famous judo outfit. He looks terrific, relaxed.(普京穿着他那套著名的柔道服,看上去棒极了。)
In 1956, the First World Judo Competition was held in Tokyo, Japan.(1956年,在日本东京举办了第一届世界柔道比赛。)
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