英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-31 14:14:01



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比较级: jumpier 最高级: jumpiest 名词: jumpiness

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 神经质的
  • 提心吊胆的,心惊肉跳的,紧张不安的
  • 跳动的,跳跃的,震动的
  • 急遽变化的,急剧变化的
  • 激动紧张的,紧张的
  • 易于激动或受惊吓的,易受惊的


1. causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements

e.g. a rough ride

Synonym: roughrockybumpyjoltyjolting

2. being in a tense state

Synonym: edgyhigh-strunghighly strungjitterynervyoverstrungrestiveuptight

1. 坐立不安的;胆战心惊的
If you are jumpy, you are nervous or worried about something.

e.g. I told myself not to be so jumpy...
e.g. When he spoke his voice was jumpy.

1. jumpy的意思

1. 跳跃的, 神经质的:interganglionic nerve cord 神经节间索 | jumpy 跳跃的, 神经质的 | taper cork 锥形塞子

2. 急剧变化的:jumping stand 跳台 | jumpy 急剧变化的 | junction 联结

3. jumpy的反义词

3. 跳跃的:jumpmaster 跳伞长 | jumpy 跳跃的 | Junc 接合

4. 神经过敏的:jump 跳跃 | jumpy 神经过敏的 | junction 会合

  • 经典引文

  • She wanted to see what happened next but the image had gone jumpy.

    出自:J. O
  • His mind is too jumpy for sleep.

    出自:J. C. Oates
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

You seem so jumpy tonight!(你今晚有点神经质!)
The genes won't like it one bit - and you really don't want to make the genes jumpy.(基因不吃这一套而你又不想让自己整天不安。)
Creditors were also jumpy: the price of insuring Aviva's bonds against default soared.(英杰华债券的违约保险价格迅速飙升,债主们对此感到焦躁不安。)
My wife has suggested I cut down because I can get a bit jumpy.(我太太建议我少喝,因为我有点神经质。)
But they, too, are jumpy about Europe.(但是他们同样也对欧洲感到焦躁不安。)
Most survivors of a shocking event will develop some stress-related symptoms, such as feeling frightened, jumpy, and easily startled.(可怕事件中的大部分幸存者都会患有一些与压力相关的症状,比如,感到恐惧、焦虑不安、以及很容易受到惊吓。)
The jumpy mother is always crossing with her children.(这个焦虑不安的母亲总是对她的孩子发脾气。)
The customers get jumpy if takes much longer.(如果时间太长,顾客会不耐烦的。)
When he spoke his voice was jumpy.(他说话的声音听起来很紧张。)
During the day, the sound of police or ambulance sirens made me jumpy.(在接下来那天当中,警察或者救护车的鸣笛总是会让我神经兮兮。)
jumpy是什么意思 jumpy在线翻译 jumpy什么意思 jumpy的意思 jumpy的翻译 jumpy的解释 jumpy的发音 jumpy的同义词