英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:09:22
  • 英英释义

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1. massive tropical tree with deep ridges on its massive trunk and bearing large pods of seeds covered with silky floss
source of the silky kapok fiber

Synonym: ceiba treesilk-cotton treewhite silk-cotton treeBombay ceibaGod treeCeiba pentandra

2. a plant fiber from the kapok tree
used for stuffing and insulation

Synonym: silk cottonvegetable silk

1. kapok什么意思

1. 木棉:木棉(kapok) 是一种树,取自于种子荚内所生的单细胞中,长度约一英寸左右,呈白色或黄褐色,具有丝般悦目光泽,防水、质轻、富弹性、光滑、柔软性佳、易燃,易于保存.

2. kapok

2. 木棉花:求购棉花(cotton)和木棉花(Kapok).交货地点:东莞东城桑园注意:是未经加工的棉花和木棉花,而非棉纱或棉布.

3. 红 棉:一般是开放卷弦器 14品普通琴 全椴木 上厚漆 带铁心调节 一般面板的漆会很好看 价格200-300 依据品牌而定(很多琴行会骗不懂的人,说多么多么漂亮的花纹~ 卖400多 500多的都有)红棉(Kapok) 或金音(JinYin)星辰(StarSun)Power(标志像是一道闪电)这些品牌胶南比较多,

4. kapok什么意思

4. 木棉纤维:有望很快投入实用.采用该物质不仅能清除污染,而且可以回收利用所吸附的石油.这项成果是韩国科学技术部宣布的.据报道,研究人员以东南亚地区广泛出产的天然纤维中的一种木棉纤维(kapok)作为基体,木棉纤维的内部为中空结构,

The study object of this thesis is the international competitive power of Xinjiang cotton and kapok textile industry.(本文的研究对象是新疆棉纺织业国际竞争力。)
Pak Fa Lam Reservoir area of the Buddha Ling, kapok flowers blooming in the mountains, beautiful.(百花林水库区内的大佛岭、木棉山上百花盛开,山清水秀。)
Kapok becomes red when spring comes.(春天来了,木棉红了。)
Just outside the Windows kapok flowers glowed red in full bloom.(窗外的木棉树上开着耀眼的红花。)
The stately kapok tree standing in the river, the spring comes, the kapok tree full of beautiful flowers were blossoming.(高大笔直的木棉树站立在江边,春天一到,木棉树开满了朵朵火红的花朵。)
I must be a kapok beside you, Standing with you as a tree.(我必须是你近旁的一株木棉,作为树的形象和你站在一起。)
I must be a kapok beside you.(我必须是你近旁的一株木棉。)
Kapok, as usual, I go there to see a few, but you can see it.(我像往常一样往木棉花数那儿看,却再也看不到了。)
Previously in primary school gate, there is a row of tall Kapok tree.(以前在小学的大门口,有一排高大的木棉花树。)
As all we know kapok is the city flower of guangzhou. you can find it everywhere in guangzhou. people call it the hero tree.(众所周知,木棉是广州市的市花。它在广州广泛种植。人们称之为英雄树。)
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