英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 12:09:18



英 [ˈkɒmənwelθ]

美 [ˈkɑ:mənwelθ]



  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 联邦
  • 共和国,民主国
  • 协会界
  • 团体
  • 全体国民,全体公民,国民整体
  • 公共福利
  • 公民(社会)
  • 政治实体,国家
  • 《英联邦》双月刊
  • 自治政区
  • 公益
  • 英联邦(由英国和大多数曾经隶属于大英帝国的国家组成)
  • [C]共和国; 联邦; 团体,协会 independent State or community


1. a politically organized body of people under a single government

e.g. the state has elected a new president
African nations
students who had come to the nation's capitol
the country's largest manufacturer
an industrialized land

Synonym: statenationcountrylandres publicabody politic

2. a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

Synonym: democracyrepublic

3. a world organization of autonomous states that are united in allegiance to a central power but are not subordinate to it or to one another

4. the official name of some states in the United States (Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and Virginia and Kentucky) and associated territories (Puerto Rico)

1. 英联邦国家:注意不同的军队对同一个词的使用是不同的,例如美军的一个squadron可以是一个营级(battalion-sized)骑兵(cavalry)单位;而在英联邦国家(Commonwealth)军队中它是一个连级(company-sized)单位.

2. 共和国:因为,那些为共和国(commonwealth)献出生命的人,他们因此接受了不朽的奖赏与最光荣的坟茔;他们不是仅仅被埋葬在坟丘所在之地,他们将与他们的荣耀共存,与那些被人们永远纪念的言辞与行动同在!

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • He is the chairman of the commonwealth of artists.
  • India broke away from the Commonwealth in 1947.
  • Theaters were closed during the Commonwealth.
用作名词 (n.)
  • Writers on publick law have often called this aggregate of nations a commonwealth.

  • 词语用法

  • commonwealth的基本意思是“政治实体,共和国”,指独立的国家或团体,也可指“联邦,联合体”,即政治上相结合的集团。
  • the Commonwealth指由联合王国及原所辖的自治省和属地组成的大英国协; 也指英国共和政体,尤指克伦威尔统治下的一段时期。
Photograph courtesy Neal Young, Commonwealth of Australia.(尼尔·杨,澳大利亚联邦。)
But the venues are a relatively small concern for the Commonwealth Games Federation, an anxious governing body.(但是,场馆建设对心急如焚的主管机构英联邦运动联会来说相对只是个小问题。)
Nationals from Commonwealth countries (including Canada and the UK) do not need a visa.(联邦国家公民(包括加拿大和英国)不需要签证。)
I have worked closely with my own women's mentoring group at The Commonwealth Institute.(我曾与我们女性指导团队在英联邦研究所密切合作过。)
Compared with the City of God, the City of Man is hardly a true commonwealth.(和上帝的城相比,人的城根本不能算是真实的财富。)
Q: Recently there are some negative reports on India holding 2010 Commonwealth Games.(问:目前有一些针对印度举办英联邦运动会准备工作的消极报道。)
In Commonwealth countries, the various degrees of sergeant major are appointments held by warrant officers.(在英联邦国家,军士长的不同级别由准尉任命。)
I am delighted for an unfortunate episode in Nigeria—Commonwealth relations will now come to an end and Nigeria is resuming its rightful place in the Commonwealth.(我对尼日利亚的一段不幸插曲感到高兴——英联邦关系现在将结束,尼日利亚正在恢复其在英联邦的合法地位。)
The “White Commonwealth” used to mean Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.(“白色联邦”曾被用于指代澳大利亚、新西兰和加拿大。)
The Commonwealth ones seem to be heading for disaster.(而英联邦各国似乎将要奔赴到灾难之中。)
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