英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 13:39:40



英 [ˈkɜ:nl]

美 [ˈkɜ:rnl]


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形容词: kerneled

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  • 仁,核,粒,籽
  • 核心,要点,精髓,中心,本质
  • 谷粒,麦粒
  • 【计】内核
  • 【原子能】核
  • 【数】影响函数核
  • 把...包在核内,封闭住
  • 把...作核心


1. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience

e.g. the gist of the prosecutor's argument
the heart and soul of the Republican Party
the nub of the story

Synonym: substancecorecentercentreessencegistheartheart and soulinwardnessmarrowmeatnubpithsumnitty-gritty

2. a single whole grain of a cereal

e.g. a kernel of corn

3. the inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone

e.g. black walnut kernels are difficult to get out of the shell

Synonym: meat

1. (坚果的)仁,核
The kernel of a nut is the part that is inside the shell.


2. 核心;中心;要点
The kernel of something is the central and most important part of it.

e.g. The kernel of that message was that peace must not be a source of advantage or disadvantage for anyone.

3. 一小部分
A kernel of something is a small element of it.

e.g. For all I know, there may be a kernel of truth in what he says.

1. 仁:(5).内胚层(Endosperm)核仁、果仁(Kernel):此层含有丰富的淀粉,占谷物83%的比重. 蛋白质、矿物质、维生素的含量均非常微少. 从世界各地采集的资料显示,亚洲及非洲社会,在工业大事发展前,牛奶是非常罕见的食品,

  • 经典引文

  • Anxiety contains a kernel of hope.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

To enable the kernel debugger, you'll need the kernel debugger patches.(要启用内核调试器,需要对内核打上内核调试器的补丁。)
How do I know if I am running a uniprocessor kernel or a multiprocessor kernel?(如何知道自己在运行单处理器还是多处理器内核?)
Yet kernel of the idea is right.(但是核心的想法是正确的。)
Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked.(每颗玉米粒炒熟的时候都会发出很响的爆裂声。)
Want to become a kernel hacker?(想成为一个内核黑客吗?)
And the running kernel is nicknamed the run kernel.(正在运行的内核称为运行内核。)
Your new kernel should be on that list.(您的新内核应该会显示在那个列表中。)
As of kernel 2.6, the kernel is preemptible.(在内核2.6中,内核是可抢占的。)
With kernel 2.4.4, the kernel would immediately lock up.(如果是2.4.4内核,内核会立即锁定。)
Recompile the kernel.(重新编译内核。)
kernel是什么意思 kernel在线翻译 kernel什么意思 kernel的意思 kernel的翻译 kernel的解释 kernel的发音 kernel的同义词