英语单词分类 轻松记单词



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过去式: knelt/kneeled 过去分词: knelt/kneeled 现在分词: kneeling 第三人称单数: kneels

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  • 跪下
  • 跪着
  • 屈膝
  • vi. 跪 go down on one or both knees;rest on the knees


1. supporting yourself on your knees

Synonym: kneeling


1. rest one's weight on one's knees

e.g. In church you have to kneel during parts of the service

The forms kneeled and knelt can both be used for the past tense and past participle.kneeled 和 knelt均可用作过去式和过去分词。

1. 跪下;跪着
When you kneel, you bend your legs so that your knees are touching the ground.

e.g. She knelt by the bed and prayed...
e.g. Other people were kneeling, but she just sat.

1. 跪下:剃度僧说道:阿弥陀佛!善哉!善哉!施主若真心皈依我佛,请跪下(kneel)受戒. 另附:南海普陀山第四代弟子空闷(Zaifa)属性表

2. 跪:题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 1 D 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 Mark 不是坐(sit)下,倒(fall)下,躺(lie)下,而是跪(kneel)下来帮助男孩把书拾起.


3. (下跪):knee 膝盖 | kneel 下跪 | knell 丧钟

4. kneel的近义词

4. 泥呕(膝上会有泥) 跪:jug 夹个(用夹'ga'肢窝夹住) 带柄水罐 | kneel 泥呕(膝上会有泥) 跪 | knee 泥 膝 盖

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • He knelt down to look for a coin he had dropped.
  • Good people, you do ill to kneel to me. What is it I..have done to merit this?

  • He would kneel before the icon and recite his prayers.

    出自:M. Scammell
  • The man..made the complaining animal kneel and receive the extra burden.

    出自:P. Bowles
  • Women were kneeling on the stones, filling red jars.

    出自:D. H. Lawrence
  • 词语用法

  • kneel是不及物动词,常与down连用。
Michael and Reverend Mailor kneel at Michael's bunk and also pray.(Michael和牧师Mailor跪在Michael的床铺上也在祈祷。)
Who should kneel before whom?(谁应该给谁下跪?。)
You are wonderful souls, and we kneel at your feet in recognition of your Light and Love.(你们都是奇迹一般的灵魂,我们因为你们的光芒与爱的决心在你们面前下跪。)
Kneel in front of your partner at the landing of a staircase.(两个人跪在楼梯上,男伴在后。)
You can squat rather than kneel to lift an object from the floor.(你可以蹲着而不是跪着把一个物体从地板上抬起来。)
Kneel down, All kneel down.(跪下,都跪下。)
I can apologize, but you must kneel.(我可以道歉,但你必须跪着听。)
She asks her son to kneel down.(她让她的儿子跪下。)
Would you please kneel?(你是不是该跪下?)
As another option, squat rather than kneel to lift an object from the floor.(还有另一个选择,通过蹲下而不是跪下来抬起地面上的物品。)
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