英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 16:43:23



英 [ˈkerəsi:n]

美 [ˈkɛrəˌsin, ˈkær-, ˌkɛrəˈsin, ˌkær-]


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  • 煤油,火油



1. a flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters

Synonym: kerosinelamp oilcoal oil

1. 煤油
Kerosene is a clear, strong-smelling liquid which is used as a fuel, for example in heaters and lamps.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 paraffin

1. 煤油:每加仑139.40贝索,普通柴油上涨4.30贝索,每加仑112.70贝索,高级柴油上涨4.3贝索,每加仑117.70贝索,石油液态瓦斯(GLP)上涨3.36贝索,每加仑60.9贝索,航空燃料油(avtur)上涨6.47贝索,每加仑92.11贝索,煤油(kerosene)上涨6.90贝索,

2. 灯油:配方1: 胡薄荷油(Pennyroyal oil) 28克 松节油(Turpentine) 8安士 灯油(Kerosene) 7.5磅 制法: 将上述各物混合,使全体为一加仑,每次用八安士(半磅)即中.

3. 火水;煤油:火叉 firing fork | 火水;煤油 kerosene | 火牛;变压器 transformer

AS DUSK falls, kerosene stoves ignite in the poorer kitchens of Delhi.(黄昏降临时,德里的穷苦人家便开始点起厨房里的煤油炉。)
The helicopter Eurocopter runs with kerosene and it can take more passengers.(直升机Eurocopter是烧煤油的,就可以承载更多乘客。)
There was no kerosene in the house.(家里没有煤油了。)
Kerosene, with around 10 to 18 carbons per molecule, is now largely used to make jet fuel.(煤油每个分子约由10到18个碳组成,现主要用于飞机燃料。)
If there are transition problems, perhaps revenues from a tax on aeroplane kerosene could help.(如果存在过渡问题,或许对飞机煤油征税会有所帮助。)
Some people live without running water, or in homes heated by kerosene.(一些人仍住在那些没有自来水,或者用煤油来取暖的房子里。)
I remember a man, probably Jack, cutting down the pear tree and soaking it with kerosene.(我记得我看见一个人——大概齐就是杰克——砍倒了梨树,正往上面浇着煤油。)
"They don't have enough kerosene to run heaters for all the evacuation centres," he said.(“他们没有足够的煤油来开动所有避难所的取暖设备”,他说。)
At a refinery, the crude oil from underground is separated into natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, and various oils.(在炼油厂,从地下提取的原油被分离成天然气、汽油、煤油和各种其他类型的油。)
It is like putting out a fire with kerosene.(这就像用煤油灭火。)
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