英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:11:35



英 [ˈkɪdni]

美 [ˈkɪdni]


名词复数: kidneys

  • 详情解释

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  • 腰子
  • 【解】肾,肾脏
  • 类型, 种类,类别
  • 个性
  • 气质
  • 性格,脾气,性情
  • 肾状矿石
  • 腰乐队,一支来自中国的摇滚乐队
  • [C]肾,肾脏 either of a pair of organs in the body that remove waste products from the blood and produce urine
  • [C][U](可食用的动物的)腰子 such an organ or organs from an animal, used as food


1. either of two bean-shaped excretory organs that filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and excrete them and water in urine

e.g. urine passes out of the kidney through ureters to the bladder

1. 肾;肾脏
Your kidneys are the organs in your body that take waste matter from your blood and send it out of your body as urine.

2. (供食用的)腰子
Kidneys are the kidneys of an animal, for example a lamb, calf, or pig, that are eaten as meat.


e.g. ...lambs' kidneys.
e.g. ...steak and kidney pie.

1. kidney的近义词

1. 肾:此时肺巨噬细胞质中含大量血红蛋白分解产物--含铁血黄素颗粒,称为习力衰竭细胞(heatr failure cell).泌尿系统(urinary system)包括肾脏,输尿管,膀胱及尿道.肾(kidney)是人体主要的排泄器官.肾表面有致密结缔组织构成的被膜,

2. kidney是什么意思

2. 腰子:和牛后腿的(Tip)都适合焖、烩等制作牛肉饼(Cubed),肉串(Kabobs),肉卷串(Rolls) 等制法;在牛的内脏中,肝(Liver)适合煎,心(Heart)适合炖(Stew),脑(Brain) 适合煎、炸;尾(Tail)适合黄烩(Brown Stewed),腰子(Kidney)适合扒、烩,舌(Tongue)适合焖、炖,

3. 牛腰:(2)牛腰(Kidney)适宜扒、烤、煎等(3)牛肝(Liver)适宜煎、炒等(4)牛尾(Tail)适宜黄烩、制汤等. (5)牛脑(brain)适宜煎、炸等. (6)牛胃(Tripe)适宜黄烩、白烩等. (7)牛骨髓(Marrow)用于菜肴的作.

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • She got a very dangerous disease of kidneys.
  • Please give me two kilos of lamb's kidney.
  • I wouldn't trust anyone of that kidney.
用作名词 (n.)
  • Here he lacked men of his own kidney.

    出自:W. Holtby
  • 词语用法

  • 词源解说

  • kidney表示左右两个肾脏中的一个,引申还可作“性格,脾气”解。
  • ☆ 直接源自中古英语的kidenere,意为子宫。
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Health experts say ingesting a small amount of melamine poses no danger, but in larger doses, it can cause kidney stones and lead to kidney failure.(健康专家表示,摄入小量三聚氰胺不会有危险,但如果摄入量很大,可导致肾结石,并会诱发肾衰竭。)
Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the donor.(医生从捐献者体内取出了健康的肾脏。)
Those who survive are at greater risk of developing brittle bones, life-threatening infections, kidney damage and heart problems.(那些存活下来的人面临着更大的风险,如骨头变脆,威胁生命的感染,肾脏损害以及心脏问题。)
The complications frequently accompanying diabetes, such as impairment of vision and of kidney function, are now thought to result from the lack of continuous control of blood glucose concentrations.(现在认为糖尿病经常伴有的并发症,如视力和肾功能损害,是由于缺乏对血糖浓度的持续控制所致。)
There have been some indications that extra protein makes the kidneys work harder, which could be problematic for individuals with a history of kidney disease.(有一些迹象表明,过量的蛋白质会加重肾脏负担,这对有肾脏病史的人来说可能是个问题。)
In 2006, three women received liver and kidney transplants from the same donor.(在2006年,三个女人同时接受了同一个捐赠者的肝和肾。)
It was feared his body was rejecting a kidney he received in a transplant four years ago.(人们担心他的身体在排斥他4年前在一项移植中接受的一个肾脏。)
I'm at the salad bar, looking in among the greens at a fairly standard run of potato salad, rice, sweetcorn and kidney beans.(我在沙拉吧绿色蔬菜前面,想按照标准选一份土豆沙拉、米饭、甜主米、云豆。)
Now, imagine that we've got somebody who needs a heart transplant or a kidney transplant, or liver transplant.(现在假想有人需要心脏或者肺部移植,或者肝脏移植。)
Cooked kidney beans can be used in place of French beans.(做熟的四季豆可以用来代替菜豆。)
kidney是什么意思 kidney在线翻译 kidney什么意思 kidney的意思 kidney的翻译 kidney的解释 kidney的发音 kidney的同义词