英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈnaɪthʊd]

美 [ˈnaɪtˌhʊd]



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  • 骑士道
  • 骑士(总称)
  • 骑士的身份
  • 爵士的爵位
  • 骑士称号
  • 爵士头衔
  • 骑士精神
  • 侠义
  • 骑士资格
  • 骑士气质
  • 骑士的等级
  • 骑士的职务
  • 骑士的行为
  • 骑士团


1. aristocrats holding the rank of knight

1. (英国国王或女王授予的)爵士头衔,骑士头衔,爵士称号,骑士称号(其名前冠以Sir)
A knighthood is a title that is given to a man by a British king or queen for his achievements or his service to his country. A man who has been given a knighthood can put 'Sir' in front of his name instead of 'Mr'.

1. knighthood的翻译

1. 骑士身分:knighthead 支撑杆 | knighthood 骑士身分 | knightlike 骑士风尚的

2. 骑士风格:knight 骑士 | knighthood 骑士风格 | knightly 骑士的

3. 骑士精神:24Knight Errant骑士信差7E | 25Knighthood骑士精神7E | 26Longbow Archer长弓箭手7E

  • 经典引文

  • The middle class contempt for the title of knighthood.

    出自:R. H. Sherard
  • He had been offered a knighthood for his official War History of the submarines.

    出自:E. Linklater
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

All the knighthood of France came to the aid of the king.(法国所有的骑士阶层都来援助国王。)
His services to the state were recognized with the award of a knighthood.(他被封为爵士,以表彰他对国家的贡献。)
Thus, it came as a betrayal that Dooku eventually denied her the chance to undergo the trials to achieve Knighthood.(杜库随后的行为看来完全是背叛。他最终否决了沃萨参加考验获得武士头衔的机会。)
That will hurt more than Britain's removal of Mr Mugabe's knighthood.(这造成的伤害比英国撤销穆加贝先生的爵士头衔更加严重。)
The King conferred a knighthood on the brave man.(国王将爵士封号授予了这位勇士。)
In old days, this would win you knighthood!(在古时候,这会让你赢得骑士的封号哩!)
Who knows, there may even be a knighthood in it.(谁又知道这里面会不会又冒出个爵士来呢。)
He has been honoured with a knighthood for his scientific work.(他因科研成就而获授爵士头衔。)
He refused a knighthood almost to the end, pointing out that he had written only a slow handful of books.(他直到最后都拒绝爵士的称谓,说他不过是缓慢地写了几本书。)
The King will honour him with a knighthood.(国王将授予他骑士荣誉。)
knighthood是什么意思 knighthood在线翻译 knighthood什么意思 knighthood的意思 knighthood的翻译 knighthood的解释 knighthood的发音 knighthood的同义词