英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:15:29


英 [ˌlæsə'reɪʃn]

美 [ˌlæsəˈreʃən]



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1. the act of lacerating

2. a torn ragged wound

1. 割伤;划伤;撕裂伤
Lacerations are deep cuts on your skin.

e.g. He had lacerations on his back and thighs.


1. 撕裂:脑撕裂(laceration)乃由头部重度钝器伤造成,除脑皮质外病灶还累及深部脑组织. 弥漫性轴突损伤(diffuse axonal injury)患者在颅脑损伤后即出现深昏迷和植物状态. 肉眼观脑无明显病变. 镜下,轴突广泛肿胀,以大脑白质、胼胝体和脑干上部最为显著.

2. laceration的近义词

2. (裂伤):西医观点认为产后出血(PPH)的主因,大多为子宫收缩不良(uterus atony)所造成,其它尚有胎盘残留(residue placenta)(胞衣不下),生殖器道裂伤(laceration)等,甚至血液病问题,一定要先查明原因做好处置,一定确定无产后出血,才移出病房,

3. laceration的解释

3. 挫裂创:现用现配为佳.它既可用于一般组织学固定,又为组织化学常用固定剂,特别是用于糖原及脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)及核糖核酸(RNA)的固定.表皮剥脱(abrasion), 皮内出血(intracutanous hemorrhage),挫裂创(laceration),肝破裂(1iver rupture),

4. laceration

4. 撕裂伤:但时间并不是关键性因素.他们等待就诊的时间没有限制性.这类病人通常患有慢性疾病或轻微不适, 无严重剧烈疼痛或急性功能丧失等主诉.例如: 皮疹、慢性头痛、低热、高血压、慢性关节炎、腰痛、扭伤、感冒等.划破伤/撕裂伤(Laceration)适于划破伤病人,

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Methods Clinical data of 50 cases with contrecoup contusion and laceration in the frontal lobe were analyzed retrospectively.(方法对50例对冲性额部脑挫裂伤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。)
Objective to evaluate the value of computed tomography myelography (CTM) in diagnosing the laceration of brachial plexus.(目的探讨脊髓造影CT(CTM)诊断臂丛神经撕裂伤的临床价值。)
Methods: Using prospective studies research three stages with 202 brain contusion and laceration patients.(方法:对202例脑挫裂伤病人进行三个阶段的前瞻性研究。)
Objective To discuss method and effect in repair of lacrimal canal laceration.(目的探讨泪小管断裂吻合术的方法及效果。)
Objective To investigate the effects of oblique laceration on the tensile strength of tendon repairs.(目的研究斜形损伤对肌腱修复抗张强度的影响。)
Renal contusion, laceration and part of scattered kidney may use selective renal artery embolization.(对严重肾挫伤、肾裂伤、部分肾碎裂伤所致肾出血患者可选择超选择性肾动脉栓塞术。)
The tree branch laceration the sky, I see the confusing and broken up oneself.(树枝划破天空,我看见迷离破碎的自己。)
The complication showed laceration of posterior lens capsule in the operation, corneal oedema after operation.(术中并发症为晶体后囊破裂,术后并发症为角膜水肿。)
Cardiac orifice mucosal laceration and oozing of blood were 73.9%, but without perforation and massive hemorrhage.(贲门黏膜撕裂、渗血占73.9%,但无穿孔和大出血。)
Objective: To study the ct signs and its clinical significance of delayed cerebral contusion and laceration.(目的:研究迟发性脑挫裂伤的CT表现与临床意义。)
laceration是什么意思 laceration在线翻译 laceration什么意思 laceration的意思 laceration的翻译 laceration的解释 laceration的发音 laceration的同义词