英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈlɒtəri]

美 [ˈlɑ:təri]


名词复数: lotteries

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  • 网络解释

  • 彩票
  • 奖券
  • 运气
  • 抽彩给奖法
  • 摸彩
  • 抽签
  • 难算计的事
  • 碰运气的事
  • 不可靠的事
  • 发行彩票
  • 不能预测的事
  • [C]抽彩给奖法 way of raising money by selling numbered tickets and giving prizes to the holders of numbers selected at random
  • [S]碰运气的事,难于算计的事 thing whose success,outcome,etc. is determined by luck


1. players buy (or are given) chances and prizes are distributed by casting lots

Synonym: drawing

2. something that is regarded as a chance event

e.g. the election was just a lottery to them

1. (通过发行彩票方式的)抽彩给奖法,博彩
A lottery is a type of gambling game in which people buy numbered tickets. Several numbers are then chosen, and the people who have those numbers on their tickets win a prize.

e.g. ...the national lottery.

2. 听天由命的事;全凭运气的事
If you describe something as a lottery, you mean that what happens depends entirely on luck or chance.

e.g. The stockmarket is a lottery...
e.g. Which judges are assigned to a case is always a bit of a lottery.

1. 彩票:for Little Criminals)、罗斯.特里梅因(英国)的<>(The Road Home)、帕特里夏.伍德(美国)的<>(Lottery)和夏洛特.门德尔松(英国)的<>(When We Were Bad),其中一半是处女作.

2. 樂透:太阳队也从网队换到了Stephon Marbury和乐透(Lottery)选秀权. 太阳队用这一选秀权得到了小S(Amare Stoudemire). 2002-2003赛季小斯初露锋芒,他在很多方面和大明星卡尔马龙很相似(Karl Malone). 他的身材,运动能力,

3. 抽奖:存在如何描述(表达)后果的实际价值,以便反映决策的人偏好次序(preference order)的问题而效用(Utility)就是偏好的量化,是数(实值函数).又考虑了各种后果的概率(probability or likelihood)分布iii,抽奖(lottery)与确定当量.公理1

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • She won a fortune in a lottery.
  • Her heart jumped as she heard the news that one of her lottery tickets had won a great prize.
  • Education in England is something of a lottery.
用作名词 (n.)
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The fairest way to determine who gets the chance to wed on Sunday and ensure everyone can properly plan for their own big day is through a lottery system.(要决定谁有机会在周日结婚,并确保每个人都能合理规划自己的大日子,最公平的方法就是通过公平的抽签系统。)
For some men, that's like winning the lottery!(而且对很多男人来说,这就像是彩票中奖一样!)
What's the biggest lottery jackpot ever?(彩票头奖最多是多少?)
The proceeds from the lottery go towards sports and recreation, as well as swelling the coffers of the government.(彩票收入用于体育和娱乐事业,以及充实国库。)
And it includes alternative schools with students selected by lottery, such as H-B Woodlawn in Arlington, Va.(它还包括学生是通过抽签来选择的其他学校,比如弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿市的H-B伍德罗恩高中。)
This is now a question for Gloria MacKenzie, an 84-year-old widow who recently emerged from her small, tin-roofed house in Florida to collect the biggest undivided lottery jackpot in history.(这是如今摆在格洛丽亚·麦肯齐面前的问题。她是一位84岁孀居老人,住在佛罗里达一间狭窄铁皮屋里,最近因独揽史上金额最大的彩票头奖并前去领取而为人所关注。)
We've built and debugged our lottery application.(我们已经构建并调试了彩票应用程序。)
I was lucky enough to have my tuition covered by a lottery funded scholarship called HOPE (Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally) .(我很幸运,因为我的学费由名为“HOPE”(即在教育方面帮助优秀的学生)该彩票资助的奖学金支付。)
Her life changed completely when she won the lottery.(买彩票中奖后她的生活完全变了。)
The lottery provides harmless fun for millions.(彩票抽奖为数百万人提供正当娱乐。)
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