英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈleɪdibɜ:d]

美 [ˈleɪdibɜ:rd]



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  • 瓢虫一种红色有黑点的圆形小甲虫
  • =ladybug(美)


1. small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests

Synonym: ladybugladybeetlelady beetleladybird beetle

1. 瓢虫
A ladybird is a small round beetle that is red with black spots.

in AM, use 美国英语用 ladybug

1. 瓢虫:这一分区包括了嘴角海雀(Puffin)、瓢虫(Ladybird)和警告企鹅(Warn Penguin). 而漫画又占儿童书的很大一部分. 其中有雷蒙德.布里格斯(Raymond Briggs)的<>(Father Christmas),于1978年出版;


2. 金龟唛:腌制品 四洲紫菜 FOUR SEAS SEAWEEDS | 金龟唛 LADYBIRD | 果之皇KOS

3. 雌鸟:Bee 蜜蜂 | Ladybird 雌鸟 | Parrot 鹦鹉

So people began importing an Asian species called the harlequin ladybird as natural pest control.(因此人们开始引进一种称作“小丑瓢虫”的亚洲物种,以此作为控制自然虫害的手段。)
When fenoxycarb is used in fields, the susceptible developmental stages of the ladybird should be avoided.(在田间使用该杀虫剂时,要避开异色瓢虫的敏感期。)
The ladybird is in his bed.(瓢虫在他的床上。)
The ladybird is in the toilet. Ben is tired, He is on his bed.(这飘虫是在盥洗室。本是疲累的,他在他的床上。)
The ladybird is on his bed. Kitty is not afraid.(这飘虫是在她床上。基蒂是不害怕的。)
The ladybird is red and black.(七星瓢虫是红黑色的。)
The Harlequin Ladybird Survey, an online database of sightings, is tracking the U.(一个名为小丑瓢虫调查的网上观测数据库正在追踪这种昆虫对英国的入侵。)
Computer mouse with a real bug inside: centipede, scorpion, ladybird.(电脑鼠标里头有一只真正的小虫哦:蜈蚣、蝎子和瓢虫。)
Are you a ladybird?(喂!你是瓢虫吗?)
Actually, a ladybird is not a lady.(事实上,瓢虫可不是一位女士。)
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