英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈlændlɒkt]

美 [ˈlændlɑ:kt]


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  • 内陆的(国家)
  • 为陆地所包围的
  • 陆围的
  • 内陆水域的
  • 闭合水域的
  • 陆封的
  • 地处内陆的
  • 被堤岸围在淡水中的



1. surrounded entirely or almost entirely by land

e.g. a landlocked country

1. 陆围的;陆地环绕的;内陆的
A landlocked country is surrounded by other countries and does not have its own ports.

e.g. ...the landlocked West African nation of Mali.

1. 陆封:land breeze-陸風 | landlocked-陸封された | latitude-緯度


2. 包围的:landline 陆上运输 | landlocked 包围的 | landloper 流浪者

3. landlocked的反义词

3. 陆围的:陆台外缘 shelf edge | 陆围的 landlocked | 陆相 continental facies


4. 为陆地所包围的:landline 地上通讯线 | landlocked 为陆地所包围的 | landlord 房东

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Her landlocked country is a desert land that was once a hub for ancient Saharan caravan routes.(她居住的内陆国家是一片沙漠地,曾是古代撒哈拉商队路线的枢纽。)
Austria is a landlocked country in central Europe.(奥地利是欧洲中部的一个内陆国家。)
Sending a shipping container from a port in neighbouring Kenya to landlocked Juba costs almost $10, 000.(将一只集装箱用船从邻国肯尼亚运到四面是陆地的朱巴要花上近10,000美元。)
This small landlocked European country has an army of 800 people (yes, 800).(这个被陆地包围的欧洲的小国家,拥有一支800人的陆军(是的,只有800)。)
The problem was if you have a basically landlocked power and want to get to the sea, then you'd better have a navy.(问题是,如果你是一个强大的内陆国家,你想使自己的势力到达海洋,最好要有一支海军。)
Moldova is a landlocked country located in southeastern Europe.(摩尔多瓦是一个欧洲东南部的内陆国家。)
Most oilfields are in the landlocked south, which needs northern pipelines to Port Sudan on the Red Sea to export the stuff.(许多油田位于南方内陆,出口需要北方的石油管道运往位于红海的港口。)
More than a third of Mongolians herd livestock for a living in the poor, landlocked country.(在这个贫穷的内陆国家,超过三分之一的蒙古人以放牧为生。)
Kyrgyzstan is a landlocked country in Central Asia, bordering Kazakhstan, China, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.(吉尔吉斯斯坦是一个中亚的内陆国家。周围的邻国是哈萨克斯坦,中国,塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦。)
Switzerland is completely landlocked.(瑞士完全是个内陆国。)
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