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更新时间:2025-03-10 16:18:08



英 [ˈlɑ:və]

美 [ˈlɑ:rvə]


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形容词: larval 名词复数: larvae

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  • 幼体
  • 【动】幼虫
  • 妖怪
  • 蛔蚴


1. the immature free-living form of most invertebrates and amphibians and fish which at hatching from the egg is fundamentally unlike its parent and must metamorphose

1. 幼虫;幼体
A larva is an insect at the stage of its life after it has developed from an egg and before it changes into its adult form.

e.g. The eggs quickly hatch into larvae.
e.g. ...a dragonfly larva.

1. 幼虫:同时它继续为虫族提供其空军的攻击力和防御力升级.蝎子的巢(Defiler Mound)孵化成功后,幼虫(Larva)体内就具备了一种可怕的基因,使其能够进化成蝎子(Defilers)这种变态的生物,同时也可以获取雾蜂(Plague),


2. 幼体:虽然被囊动物成体看起来似乎不像脊索动物,但是,被囊动物的幼体(larva)是非常典型的脊索动物. 尽管成体是固着的(sessile)(即永久性附着),但是幼体具有高度活动性. 被囊动物幼体具备脊索动物的所有特征. 在找到适当的位置后,

3. 幼螨:研究结果表明:1)桔全爪螨的雌、雄螨均要经历七个发育阶段,即卵(egg),幼螨(larva),原蛹(protochrysalis),第一若螨(protonymph),第二蛹(deutochrysalis),第二若螨(deutonymph),若蛹(teleichrysalis)和成螨(adult),即在各个活动螨态之间,

4. 幼虫,幼体:11. obliterate 涂抹,擦去,使消失 | 12. larva 幼虫,幼体 | 13. pupa 蛹

The casing is nearly airtight, which helps protect the vulnerable egg and later larva.(外层几乎是密封的,可以保护脆弱的蜂卵,以及后来的幼虫。)
The image above is of the larva of a ground-nesting solitary bee from Turkey.(上图是来自土耳其的地面筑巢独居蜂的幼虫。)
Larva, grown in humus, can be turned into pureed and creamed soups, puddings, or omelets by skilled cooks.(生长在腐殖质里的昆虫幼虫可以被有经验的厨师烹制成菜汤、布丁和煎蛋饼。)
The ability cannot be used again on that Hatchery until those 4 larva have spawned.(这个技能在那4个幼虫被消耗之前不能再释放在基地上。)
Each egg hatches and releases a microscopic free-living larva called a miracidium.(每一个虫卵孵化出一只微小的幼虫,称之为毛蚴。)
A magnified shot shows the head of a tiger swallowtail butterfly larva.(这个放大的照片显示一只凶猛风蝶幼虫的头部。)
Since only one female usually lays eggs in a given larva, it would pay her to produce one male only, because this one male could fertilize all his sisters on emergence.(因为通常只有一只雌性在一个特定的幼虫中产卵,所以它只会产生一只雄性,因为这只雄性可以在孵化时使它所有的姐妹受精。)
The larva is ingested by a water flea (Cyclops), where it develops and becomes infective in two weeks.(幼虫通过水蚤(剑水蚤属)进入人体,在那里发育并在两周后具有感染性。)
The titi is to the gamin what the moth is to the larva; the same being endowed with wings and soaring.(titi对野孩来说,正如花蝴蝶之与幼虫,同是飞翔的生物。)
The story gets stranger. The larva was still alive.(事情变得更加奇怪,这条幼虫当时还活着。)
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