英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:18:38



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过去式: latched 过去分词: latched 现在分词: latching 第三人称单数: latches

  • 英英释义

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1. catch for fastening a door or gate
a bar that can be lowered or slid into a groove

2. spring-loaded doorlock that can only be opened from the outside with a key

Synonym: door latch


1. fasten with a latch

e.g. latch the door

1. 门闩;插销
A latch is a fastening on a door or gate. It consists of a metal bar which you lift in order to open the door.

e.g. You left the latch off the gate and the dog escaped.

2. 碰锁;弹簧锁
A latch is a lock on a door which locks automatically when you shut the door, so that you need a key in order to open it from the outside.

e.g. ...a key clicked in the latch of the front door.

3. 用闩闩上;用碰锁锁上
If you latch a door or gate, you fasten it by means of a latch.

e.g. He latched the door, tested it, and turned around to speak to Frank.

相关词组:latch onto

1. 锁扣:上周六做15000保养,师父说我的引擎盖很好开. 我在之前也有打不开情况,免费更换引擎盖下中间的锁扣(Latch)就没事了!

2. 闩锁:10.1 闩锁(latch)概述进程之所以不释放CPU而是绕着CPU旋转,是由于latch操作本身是一个很快速的动作,因此可能等一会就能获得latch了. 当进程一旦获得CPU,但是获得不了latch时,如果这时候立刻放弃CPU,那么需要进行上下文切换,

3. 锁存器:新增了介绍数字部件与模拟信号之间接口一章的内容,更新了故障定位等章节内容,使本书覆盖了数字系统设计的最新技术和进展情况. ..第6章 锁存器(Latch)与触发器(Flip-flop)

4. 闭锁:下面是关于信号量的一个典型例子:闭锁(latch)是指那些一旦获得某个值就再不变化的变量或者条件. 二元闭锁变量或者条件(通常就被成为闭锁)的值只能改变一次,即从其初始化状态到其最终状态. 和闭锁相关的并发控制技术封装在Latch类中,

  • 经典引文

  • Someone pushed the door but the latch was on, and he had to knock.

    出自:B. Behan
  • I have words That would be howl'd out in the desert air, Where hearing should not latch them.

  • The shutters of the hut were down and latched.

    出自:P. Theroux
The markets have failed to zero in on this problem, because of all the other squeaky wheels in the global economy, but sooner or later, they will latch on it.(由于全球经济中所有其他吱吱作响的车轮,市场未能关注到这个问题,但迟早他们会意识到这一点。)
The dog pressed his paw on the latch to let himself in.(那狗用脚爪按住门闩把自己放进来。)
The number of sequential scans is out of control as are the buffer waits and latch waits.(顺序扫描数、以及缓冲区等待数和闭锁等待数已经失控。)
So resolved, I grasped the latch and shook it vehemently.(如此决定了。我就抓住门闩,使劲摇它。)
He now recommenced his moody walk, and I raised the latch, and escaped into the kitchen.(他现在又开始他那郁郁的走来走去了,我就拔起门闩,逃到厨房里去。)
She would let go, take a few awkward strokes, and latch on again.(她将放开,需要几年的尴尬中风,并再次闩上。)
These are substances which specifically latch onto the protein on the cell membrane.(这些是专门黏附在细胞膜蛋白质上的物质。)
Accessible switch and latch placement.(易访问的开关和锁布置。)
It is never fastened with anything but a latch, either by day or by night.(白天和夜里,它都只上一个活闩。)
Foley followed Albert through the gate, taking care to close the latch.(福利随着艾伯特进了大门,留心地把门闩上。)
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