英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 13:49:56



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副词: laxly 比较级: laxer 最高级: laxest 名词: laxation

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  • 不严格的,不严厉的
  • 腹泻的,易通便的
  • 质地松的,宽松的
  • 马马虎虎的,不精密的,含糊的
  • 散漫的,放纵的,松懈的
  • 【语】(元音)松弛的
  • 【植】(花簇)疏松的,散开的
  • 宽敞地
  • 松弛的母音或元音
  • 泻肚,下痢,排便,腹泻
  • 【动】鲑
  • 松弛
  • 发出松弛的元音


1. emptying easily or excessively

e.g. loose bowels

Synonym: loose

2. lacking in rigor or strictness

e.g. such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable
lax in attending classes
slack in maintaining discipline

Synonym: slack

3. lacking in strength or firmness or resilience

e.g. a lax rope
a limp handshake

4. pronounced with muscles of the tongue and jaw relatively relaxed (e.g., the vowel sound in `bet')

1. 松懈的;马虎的;不严格的
If you say that a person's behaviour or a system is lax, you mean they are not careful or strict about maintaining high standards.

e.g. One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel...
e.g. There have been allegations from survivors that safety standards had been lax...

The laxity of export control authorities has made a significant contribution to the problem.

1. 洛杉矶:/32.5/26 查看 北美线 纽约/洛杉矶/芝加哥/休斯敦等美国空港 香港/深圳/广州/北京/上海 -/-/35/34/33/31 查看 北美线 美国到中国的国际快递 美国到中国的国际快递 1/1/1/1/1/1 查看 北美线 香港(HKG) 洛杉矶(LAX) -/-/-/-/

2. 松:所谓的宽松(lax)的权),此一协定亦确定 双方有仲裁 为( arbitration proceedings )的权此一委员会一开始成 的目的是调查创设 动法庭(labour courts)与成 仲裁的后备补充;保证支付法(Pay Guarantee Act)则是保护工作者在雇主破产时,1.

3. 洛杉机:多家航空去以下各大机场:洛杉机(LAX),纽约(NEWYORK),MIAMA(MIA),旧金山(SFO),华盛顿(WAS),波士顿(BOS)芝加哥(CHI)亚特兰大(ATL),哥伦比亚(CAE)等所有大城市!

4. 锐丰音响:锐丰音响(LAX)签约第二届亚洲沙滩运动会签约仪式上,锐丰音响宣读了亚奥理事会总干事侯赛因(Husain Al-Musallam)的祝贺信,并且邀请了广州市政府副秘书长、2010广州亚运会组委会副秘书长古石阳与锐丰音响董事长王锐祥、总经理徐风云以及国际部总监梁剑琴共同参与了亮灯仪式,

5. lax的意思

5. lax:lan access exchange; 局域网存取交换机

  • 经典引文

  • Those organs which possess a lax structure..as the lungs.

    出自:T. H. Green
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  • 临近词

Foreign bankers are plentiful, competition and greed is rampant, and regulation is lax.(外国银行家不计其数,竞争你死我活,贪欲无限膨胀,监管则非常松懈。)
Some Western parents are strict; others are lax.(西方父母有些很严厉,有些则很宽容。)
The same will be true of the narrower issue of News Corp, and its lax governance and practices.(这些问题同样与新闻集团的发行量下滑与松散的管理和运作相吻合。)
Lax countries could be threatened with harsher terms on borrowing from pooled funds.(马虎的国家要想从合并基金借到钱,条件会愈加苛刻,这对他们来讲是种威胁。)
Others argue that the FDA's rules are too lax.(但其他人则争辩说是食品及药物管理局的规定太宽松了。)
Critics, however, argued that the rules were too lax.(不过批评者认为条例太过松散。)
Go back to LAX and get a new car? I can't spend that kind of time.(回洛杉矶国际机场换辆新车?我还真没那时间。)
It is shot through with waste, lax academic standards and mediocre teaching and scholarship.(它充斥着浪费、宽松的学术标准和平庸的教学和学识。)
But rules have no effect if enforcement is lax and the population indifferent.(但是,如果执法力度松懈,以及人们对此冷漠,法令也就没有了作用。)
One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel.(其中一个问题是对机场人员的安全措施不严格。)
lax是什么意思 lax在线翻译 lax什么意思 lax的意思 lax的翻译 lax的解释 lax的发音 lax的同义词