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更新时间:2025-03-03 13:39:27

leading edge

英 [ˈli:diŋ edʒ]

美 [ˈlidɪŋ ɛdʒ]


形容词: leading-edge

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1. forward edge of an airfoil

1. 尖端领域;高新领域;最前沿
The leading edge of a particular area of research or development is the area of it that seems most advanced or sophisticated.

e.g. I think Israel tends to be at the leading edge of technological development.

...leading-edge technology.

1. 前沿:光孤子大多存在具有波形的媒介中,在光纤应用中,光孤子能在非线性射散迁移光纤中产生,其每个脉冲的后沿(trailing edge)均快于前沿(leading edge). 如此在光纤长度内,波的峰值放大率将会增加而非减少,从而在不使用增益器情况下产生惊人的放大率.

2. 翼前缘:通常设计图上都有标示最高线所在,若图上没有标示,则可自行将其标在翼弦(Chord)长度之30%~35%处.接着在最高线距翼前缘(Leading edge)的 1/2处画上一条线,及最高线离翼后缘(Trailing edge)的 2/3处画上一条线.并在翼前缘及后缘各画上一条高度约1mm左右的水平线.

3. 导缘:辅旋翼的直径较小,转向与主旋翼相反,藉以抵消可能造成机身旋转的主旋翼反作用力. 主旋翼的叶片数,少者二叶,多至七叶. 各叶片的导缘(leading edge)均朝上形成一倾角(相当於螺距角pitch angle),以便使叶片与气流之间存在一攻角(angle

Noun: the luff is the leading edge of a sail.(名词:luff指的是帆的前缘。)
Yet the First National Bank of Namibia, which bought the computer, is at the leading edge of a trend.(然而,购买计算机的纳米比亚国家银行却在引领潮流。)
We changed, but we became leading edge as it related to things like telecommuting, flexible work arrangements, and employment models.(我们的确发生了改变;但同时,我们也在远距离办公、弹性工作安排以及雇用模式方面占据了领先地位。)
GPFS provides leading edge technology.(GPFS提供前沿技术。)
Without a thin, stiff leading edge, they may have been too weak for flight.(由于缺少薄而硬的前缘,这些羽毛也许不够牢固,因而无法用于飞行。)
If you like playing with leading edge technology.(如果您喜欢使用领先的尖端技术。)
The ridge is formed primarily from marine sediments scraped off the top of the Australia plate and piled up on top of the leading edge of the Sunda Plate.(洋脊的形成主要是由于从澳大利亚板块顶端刮落的海洋沉积物,在巽他板块的前端表面堆积起来了;)
We are always on the leading edge, and the successes of the future will not rely on old ways of doing things.(我们总是处在领先的前沿,未来不是靠老方法就可以成功的。)
To judge how much time remains before the next leap forwards, look at the leading edge of the industry.(下一次跨越何时到来,不妨观察业界的前缘。)
I think Israel tends to be at the leading edge of technological development.(我认为以色列会走在技术发展的前沿。)
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