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更新时间:2025-03-10 16:24:02



英 [ˈledʒɪsleɪtʃə(r)]

美 [ˈlɛdʒɪˌsletʃɚ]


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1. persons who make or amend or repeal laws

Synonym: legislative assemblylegislative bodygeneral assemblylaw-makers

1. 立法机关;议会
The legislature of a particular state or country is the group of people in it who have the power to make and pass laws.


e.g. The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes.

1. 立法院:台湾立法院(Legislature)经济委员会已经邀请台湾经济建设委员会(Council For Economic Planning And Development)主任委员陈添枝和台湾经济部(Ministry of Economic Affairs)部长尹启铭进行协商,讨论救助DRAM芯片行业的途径.

  • 经典引文

  • The existing laws of property and contracts had not been formally enacted by a legislature.

    出自:W. Lippmann
New York's state legislature is in the middle of negotiating anew franchise to see who will operate the state's three thoroughbred race tracks.(纽约州议会正在就本州三条纯种马跑道特许经营权归属问题进行谈判。)
It was originally planned as a reference library for the federal legislature.(最初,它计划用来作为联邦立法机构的参考图书馆。)
Finally, the Californian economy in 1966 was doing fine, and nothing kept the legislature from raising taxes.(最后,1966年时加州的经济状况很好,议会想提高税收没有任何阻力。)
My boss was Tony Unpingco, a senator (and former Speaker) of the Guam Legislature... and the longest-serving senator in Guam history.(我的老板托尼。恩皮克是关岛议会的参议员(也是前议长)并且是在关岛任职最长的参议员。)
Only 37 years old, he has represented Orleans Parish in the state legislature since 2000.(别看他只有37岁,但是自从2000年开始,他就一直担任州议会的新奥尔良市的教区代表。)
The norms and practices of the legislature do not foster good policy-making.(立法机构的规范和习惯并不能出现好的决策。)
He hopes, for instance, that the state legislature will agree to create a body with authority to raise money for improving transport.(例如,他希望州议会会同意成立一机构筹集改善交通所需费用。)
Because Maurice loved the give-and-take of politics, he was especially effective in pushing my programs in the legislature.(在州议会中,由于莫里斯喜欢采用互相让步的原则,使我的各项计划都得到了非常有效的推动。)
In return for his generosity, the legislature voted that the school be named Harvard College.(为了报答他的慷慨,立法机关投票决定将这所学校命名为哈佛学院。)
To put the vote on the ballot the traditional way, Mr Brown needs a supermajority (two-thirds) in the legislature.(采用传统方式以不记名形式投票,布朗需要在议会有绝对多数(至少三分之二)的支持率。)
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