英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 17:08:38



英 [ˈlɪniɪdʒ]

美 [ˈlɪniɪdʒ]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 网络解释

  • 世系
  • 血统
  • 家系
  • 后裔
  • 门第
  • 宗系
  • 行数
  • 谱系
  • 系谱
  • 系统
  • 一族
  • 家族
  • 直系


1. inherited properties shared with others of your bloodline

Synonym: ancestryderivationfiliation

2. the descendants of one individual

e.g. his entire lineage has been warriors

Synonym: lineline of descentdescentbloodlineblood linebloodpedigreeancestryoriginparentagestemmastock

3. a rate of payment for written material that is measured according to the number of lines submitted

Synonym: linage

4. the number of lines in a piece of printed material

Synonym: linage

5. the kinship relation between an individual and the individual's progenitors

Synonym: descentline of descentfiliation

1. 家系;家族;血统
Someone's lineage is the series of families from which they are directly descended.


e.g. They can trace their lineage directly back to the 18th century.
e.g. ...a respectable family of ancient lineage.

1. lineage

1. 系:这一事件在真哺乳亚纲动物和有袋动物(marsupial)进化上分开后发生,这就表明这两个世系(lineage)的剂量补偿进化机制是独立的. 当哺乳动物从其他的羊膜动物(amniote)中分化出来后不久,哺乳动物的X和Y染色体便从一对常染色体中进化而来[1].

  • 经典引文

  • Aragorn is descended in direct lineage..from Isildur Elendil's son himself.

  • His high lineage was that of the great classical scholars who had preceded him.

Most dinosaurs were not part of the lineage that gave rise to birds; they occupied other branches of the dinosaur family tree.(大多数恐龙都不属于后来进化成鸟类的谱系;它们占据了恐龙系谱的其他分支。)
Primate researchers have long guessed that many of the social behaviours that are seen in humans have a basis in our primate lineage.(灵长目动物研究者们很早之前就猜测,很多人类才具备的社会行为源自灵长目动物系谱。)
Yang's kung fu lineage extends back through generations of Shaolin monks. His own disciples are expected to pass on his teachings.(杨贵武的功夫渊源可以追溯到若干代之前的少林和尚,他的徒弟们有望将师傅的绝学传承下去。)
So when information from the staging database is moved to the data warehouse through stored procedures, there is a gap in the lineage.(因此当来自临时数据库的信息通过存储过程被转移到数据仓库中时,这个沿袭出现了一个断点。)
Their responses to electrical stimulation of receptive fields were characterized by monosynaptic lineage.(他们对感受野的电刺激的反应以单突触谱系为特征。)
Until recently it was thought that feathers first appeared in an early member of the lineage of theropods that leads to birds.(科学家们一直认为羽毛最初出现在兽脚亚目恐龙的某个早期成员身上,该成员最后进化为鸟类。)
Cleopatra VII was born in Egypt, but she was descended from a lineage of Greek Kings and queens who had ruled Egypt for nearly 300 years.(克里·欧佩·特拉出生于埃及,但是她却是曾统治埃及近300年的古希腊国王和王后的后裔。)
Popular online games such as Lineage and World of Warcraft revolve around the gear that players gather to outfit their characters.(像《天堂》和《魔兽世界》这样时下流行的网络游戏都靠各种游戏装备运作,玩家收集各种游戏中的虚拟物品来装备他们的角色。)
But the identity of that lineage, and the characteristics of early Homo, are unknown.(但是这个南方古猿谱系的特性,以及早期人属的特征都是未知的。)
By using extension mappings, data lineage analysis can be performed on data flows external to Information Server.(通过使用扩展映射,就可以对InformationServer外部的数据流执行数据沿袭分析。)
lineage是什么意思 lineage在线翻译 lineage什么意思 lineage的意思 lineage的翻译 lineage的解释 lineage的发音 lineage的同义词