英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈlɪbəreɪt]

美 [ˈlɪbəˌret]


副词: liberatingly 名词: liberator 过去式: liberated 过去分词: liberated 现在分词: liberating 第三人称单数: liberates

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  • 解放
  • 【化】释放
  • 劫掠
  • 使获自由
  • 解除
  • 使脱离
  • 【化】释出
  • 【物】使(力)起作用
  • 劫掠
  • 使…无拘无束
  • 脱落
  • 释放出来
  • 析出
  • 使摆脱约束
  • 解除束缚
  • 掠夺尤指缴获(战利品)
  • 释出
  • 放出
  • vt. 解放,释放 set (sb/sth) free


1. release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition

Synonym: releasefree

2. grant freedom to
free from confinement

Synonym: freereleaseunlooseunloosenloose

3. grant freedom to

e.g. The students liberated their slaves upon graduating from the university

Synonym: set free

4. give equal rights to
of women and minorities

Synonym: emancipate

1. 解放
To liberate a place or the people in it means to free them from the political or military control of another country, area, or group of people.

e.g. They planned to march on and liberate the city...
e.g. They made a triumphal march into their liberated city.

...a mass liberation movement.

2. 使解脱;使脱离;解救
To liberate someone from something means to help them escape from it or overcome it, and lead a better way of life.

e.g. He asked how committed the leadership was to liberating its people from poverty.

If you have the chance to spill your problems out to a therapist it can be a very liberating experience.
...the women's liberation movement.

3. 释放(囚犯)
To liberate a prisoner means to set them free.

e.g. The government is devising a plan to liberate prisoners held in detention camps.

1. 释放:媒体素养所欲达成之目的,皆为新时期公民所应接受之训练与具备之能力,这种训练让大家自信息媒体中释放(liberate),能明辨真伪不被媒体操控,也让大家具备使用媒介的能力(empower),在此信息快速传递的社会中,了解如何正确快速使用媒体,

2. liberate的近义词

2. 解脱:自由( liberty),词源上与解脱 (liberate)同根,主要也是指不依赖(independence). 自由是人性的最高理想,也是社会发展的最终尺度. 如果言说只是一种写实描述,只是对外物的一种被动摹写,则语言的言说没有任何自由可言,它在句法上,

3. (常与from连用)解放;释放:liberal博学的;通才的 ,慷慨的;大方的 | liberate(常与from连用)解放;释放 | lighting 照明设备;照明系统

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • They did their best to liberate slaves.
  • The new government has liberated all political prisoners.
  • You should liberate the mind from prejudice.
  • This will liberate him from economic worry.
  • 1
  • The city was liberated in 1949.
  • The heat brings about a chemical reaction, and oxygen is liberated.
用作动词 (v.)
  • To liberate from every kind of slavery..the toiling masses of the world.

    出自:G. F. Kennan
  • 词义讲解

liberate, emancipate, free
  • 这三个词都有“解放,释放”的意思。liberate为正式用语,指从控制、监禁或束缚中获得自由,使一个国家或地区从外国或敌人的占领和统治下解放出来,后面常接from引导的介词短语;emancipate也为正式用语,指不受政治、社会、法律等约束而获得自由;free为常用语,意义最广,泛指摆脱各种限制而获得自由,后面常跟from或of引导的介词短语。
  • 相关列句
    Abraham has gone off to liberate some of his kinsmen who have been kidnapped for ransom.(亚伯拉罕去解救了,他的一些被绑架的亲戚。)
    Understanding the suffering that living beings undergo helps liberate the energy of compassion.(理解生命经受的痛苦有助释放同情的能量。)
    When I wanted to quit my day job, it was “Liberate Yourself”.(当我忙完了一天的工作,我的念咒就是“放松一下吧”。)
    Today the move is to liberate the woman, which may in the end strengthen the marriage union.(今天的行动是解放妇女,这最终可能会加强婚姻联盟。)
    Future miners living and working on the Moon could break down ilmenite to liberate these elements.(未来在月球上生活和工作的矿工们可能会分解钛铁矿从而释放出其所含的这些元素。)
    No one can sell you a guide or solution that will give you what you need to liberate yourself.(没有人能卖给你一份指南或者解决方案,从而把你解放自己所需要的东西给你。)
    Mr. Haniyeh said armed resistance is the only way to liberate Palestine.(哈尼亚说,武装抵抗才是解放巴勒斯坦的唯一道路。)
    It's not a public safety issue or even a misguided attempt to liberate oppressed women.(它不是公共安全的问题,也不是企图误导的解放压迫妇女的问题。)
    Hence the popular Conservative proposal to liberate state schools from "stifling state control."(因此保守派提出了受大家欢迎的建议——将公立学校从“沉闷”中解放出来。)
    Liberate yourself - Accept responsibility!(解放自己-接受责任!)
    liberate是什么意思 liberate在线翻译 liberate什么意思 liberate的意思 liberate的翻译 liberate的解释 liberate的发音 liberate的同义词