- banyan
- trip
- zoo
- tiger
- easy
- lab
- Window of the World
- gym
- science
- lost
- hospital
- cinema
- market
- bank
- TV station
- post office
- restaurant
- bookshop
- police station
- police
- station
- by the way
- then
- train station
- ahead
- straight
- straight ahead
- hotel
- sorry
- excuse me
- excuse
- tourist
- turn
- welcome
- India
- arctic
- Europe
- Asia
- North America
- seal
- Africa
- kill
- rule
- South America
- litter
- photograph
- thing
- antarctic
- snake
- elephant
- Leeds
- large
- more than
- more
- international
- bright
- last
- sightseeing
- snowman
- fire
- because
- month
- go sightseeing
- season
- snowmen
- dry
- cool
- rainy
- foggy
- warm
- ski
- snowy
- sound
- New Zealand
- umbrella
- rain
- cloudy
- yesterday
- raincoat
- degree
- sunny
- put on
- windy
- temperature
- wet
- weather
- bye-bye
- zero
- western
- queen
- agree with
- agree
- cereal
- important
- kind
- strange
- pork
- sea food
- restaurant
- shall