英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['li:tə(r)]

美 [ˈlitɚ]



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1. a metric unit of capacity, formerly defined as the volume of one kilogram of pure water under standard conditions
now equal to 1,000 cubic centimeters (or approximately 1.75 pints)

Synonym: litrelcubic decimetercubic decimetre

1. -> see litre

1. 公升:湾大学 半导体厂化学机械研磨(CMP)废水回收再 用可 性评估/成功大学 半导体化学机械研磨(CMP)废液之资源化处 研究/半导体晶片是由结晶的矽晶圆 (Ingot) 割成细片(晶圆 wafer) ,以浓缩液 1 公升(liter) 的矽含 做比较的话 ,

2. liter的翻译

2. 文字;字母:liber 自由 | liter 文字,字母 | loc 地方

3. 公升升同:liter 公升 | liter 公升升同litre | liter

The vehicles include a 2.0-liter, four-cylinder engine and a six-speed automatic transmission.(该车型配备了2.0升4缸发动机和6档自动变速器。)
So if it's moles per liter, you usually write that with these brackets here.(如果是摩尔每升,通常写成这里括号的形式。)
Equipped with a 0.8-liter engine, the Jiangnan Alto's basic model has a top speed of 120 kilometers per hour.(装备有0.8升发动机,江南中音最高时速120公里。)
Health risks in children at various blood lead levels, in micrograms per liter.(不同的血铅水准对儿童健康的风险有别,以下数值单位为微克每升。)
So this is moles per liter per second, right? It's disappearance of some concentration for time.(所以这里的单位是摩尔每升每秒,对吗?这代表浓度随着时间的减少。)
And the concentration could be given in moles per liter.(溶液中浓度可以用摩尔每升给出。)
The region's sewage runoff contains more than 14 milligrams of vanilla per liter.(在这一地区的污水中,香草的含量达到了14毫克每升。)
The entry level point for that car will be a 1.8 liter four-cylinder turbo.(那部车的入门级点将是一个1.8升四缸涡轮增压。)
And we're going to take, usually you take one mole per liter, or one gram per liter, or one whatever.(我们可以,一般用一摩尔每升,或一克每升或其它什么。)
So we'll multiply by 1000 milliliters per liter.(所以需要乘以1000毫升每升。)
liter是什么意思 liter在线翻译 liter什么意思 liter的意思 liter的翻译 liter的解释 liter的发音 liter的同义词