英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 14:06:10


英 [ˈlɔŋˈwindid]

美 [ˈlɔŋˈwɪndɪd, ˈlɑŋ-]


副词: long-windedly 名词: long-windedness

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1. using or containing too many words

e.g. long-winded (or windy) speakers
verbose and ineffective instructional methods
newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials
proceedings were delayed by wordy disputes

Synonym: tediousverbosewindywordy

1. 长篇累牍的;冗长的;啰的
If you describe something that is written or said as long-winded, you are critical of it because it is longer than necessary.

e.g. The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted...
e.g. I hope I'm not being too long-winded.

1. 冗长的:long-tongued 多嘴的 | long-winded 冗长的 | longan 龙眼


2. 长篇大论的:314.look for a needle in a haystack 大海捞针 | 315.long-winded 长篇大论的 | 316.long stories 谎话连篇

3. 罗嗦的, 冗长的:fall victim to 成为...的牺牲品 | long-winded 罗嗦的, 冗长的 | one-off 一次性的

4. 气息长的:long-winded 罗唆的 | long-winded 气息长的 | longagoforalongtime 早已

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The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and often ambiguous or poorly drafted.(这篇宣言长篇大论,内容叠床架屋,词句常常含混不清或不知所云。)
They think of themselves as point-blank, actually sometimes they are more long-winded than women.(他以为自己爽快利落,其实有时候比女人还要婆妈。)
This is fairly long-winded and less expressive than a PHP foreach statement.(这相当冗长,比PHPforeach语句的开销少。)
Do your clients' websites force visitors to dig through long-winded intros, self-absorbed messages or useless paragraphs?(客户的网站是不是会强迫你从一堆长篇大论的介绍,和模糊的信息或者根本无用的介绍文字中去发掘他们需要的信息?)
So much needless repetition makes the article long-winded.(这样叠床架屋,文章就太罗嗦了。)
Mbeki offered a stout if long-winded defence of his policies laying out all that he had done for the country.(姆贝基的辩驳强烈、冗长。他罗列了自己为国家所做的一切。)
The fat-mass and obesity-associated gene, the effect of which is encapsulated in its rather long-winded name, seems to come from marine algae.(肥胖量和肥胖相关基因,其效应被包裹在它那冗长的名字底下,似乎是来源于海藻;)
They can be long-winded, insensitive and impolite, often failing to look people in the eye.(他们说话啰嗦,感觉迟钝,行为粗鲁,不能正视别人的眼睛。)
The same argument applies to code in the aggregate — long-winded classes are probably doing too much work and have too much responsibility.(相同的讨论也可以应用于总体代码,冗长的类可能会做太多的工作,并承担太多的责任。)
I hope I'm not being too long-winded.(我希望我不是太啰嗦。)
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