英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈlaɪənaɪz]

美 [ˈlaɪəˌnaɪz]


名词: lionization 过去式: lionized 过去分词: lionized 现在分词: lionizing 第三人称单数: lionizes

It leads people to lionize the acting of making the bold decision to try something unconventional, but this decision, in the grand scheme of things, might not be that important.(它会导致人们一窝蜂地去做大胆的决定并尝试非常规的事情,但这个决定,在事情的宏伟计划中,可能并不是那么重要。)
The press began to lionize him enthusiastically.(媒体开始狂热地吹捧他。)
And if they continued to lionize him in a public fashion, that these kinds of public demonstrations can only have a profoundly negative effect on our relationship.(而且,如果他们继续大张旗鼓地欢迎此人,这种公开展示的方式只能对我们的关系产生深远的负面影响。)
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1. assign great social importance to

e.g. The film director was celebrated all over Hollywood
The tenor was lionized in Vienna

Synonym: lionisecelebrate

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 lionise

1. 把…视作要人;把…奉为名人
If someone is lionized, they are treated as if they are very important or special by a particular group of people, often when they do not really deserve to be.


e.g. By the 1920's, he was lionised by literary London...
e.g. The press began to lionize him enthusiastically...


1. 奉为名人:lionism 捧名流 | lionize 奉为名人 | lionlike 狮子般的

2. 结交名流:lionize 将...以名人待之 | lionize 结交名流 | lionlike 狮子般的

3. 将...以名人待之:lionize 游览...的名胜 | lionize 将...以名人待之 | lionize 结交名流

4. 游览...的名胜:lionism 捧社会名流 | lionize 游览...的名胜 | lionize 将...以名人待之

  • 经典引文

  • Galileo found himself lionised as another Columbus for his conquests.

    出自:D. Sobel
lionize是什么意思 lionize在线翻译 lionize什么意思 lionize的意思 lionize的翻译 lionize的解释 lionize的发音 lionize的同义词