英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:35:07
  • 双语例句

1. He went back to rowing and to watching the long-winged black bird who was working, now, low over the water.

2. long-winged在线翻译

2. Large long-winged bird with hooked bill and''.


3. Relatively small long-winged tube-nosed bird that flies far from land.

4. Small long-winged songbird noted for swift graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations.

5. Today is Saturday, time and nearly向晚, dead people under the bodhi tree, only a long-winged蝉儿Ming in the earthquake, using a mobile phone to contact the man suffering from diabetes, I would like to follow up on his condition.
今 天又是週六,时间又近向晚,菩提树下人潮死寂,只得一只蝉儿在震翅长呜,用手机联络了那位糖尿病患,想跟进一下他的病情。

6. There is a flock of waterfowls on the pond. long-winged web-footed aquatic bird of the gull family.

7. In the meantime, there were no closed hysteresis loops detected in the cephalothorax of long-winged and short-winged adults, suggesting that no magnetic materials exist in this body part of N. lugens.

8. long-winged的解释

8. Large long-winged bird with hooked bill and tubular nostrils that wanders the open seas.

9. Similar phenomena were found in long-winged female adults and short-winged male and female adults, suggesting that the detection of magnetic materials using whole insect body is not obvious.

10. Seagull: It is long-winged, web-footed, with white and grey or black feathers.

11. In the meantime, there were no closed hysteresis loops detected in the cephalothorax of long-winged and short-winged adults, suggesting that no magnetic materials exist in this body part of N.lugens.

Xu calls it a "four-winged" dinosaur because it had long, pennaceous feathers on its arms and legs.(因为其前后肢上都存在着较长的羽翮,因此徐星将它称之为“四翼”恐龙。)
Some sources even say that Nyx is the mother of Eros and that she laid a 16)germless egg in the bosom of 17)Erebus and the golden-winged Eros was born (after many long ages).(甚至有说尼克斯是厄洛斯的母亲,她在厄瑞波斯的怀中孕育了一个无胚蛋卵,多年以后,长有金色翅膀的厄洛斯便出生了。。)
Chimaera are known for their winged fins and long, whip-like tails - and an image captured by Fedortsov reveals their haunting green eyes.(银鲛以其有翼的鳍和长长的像鞭子一样的尾巴闻名,而费多尔·索夫所拍摄的照片上它的眼睛发绿光。)
He went back to rowing and to watching the long-winged black bird who was working, now, low over the water.(他又划起船来,注视着那只此刻正在水面上低低地飞掠的长翅膀黑鸟。)
There was the great shape of a centaur and a winged horse and a long lithe creature that Edmund took to be a dragon.(有一个大石像形状像人马,还有一匹有翅膀的马,还有一条长长的软体动物,爱德蒙当它是龙。)
long-winged是什么意思 long-winged在线翻译 long-winged什么意思 long-winged的意思 long-winged的翻译 long-winged的解释 long-winged的发音 long-winged的同义词