英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:36:27



英 [ˌlɒpˈsaɪdɪd]

美 [ˌlɑ:pˈsaɪdɪd]


副词: lopsidedly 名词: lopsidedness

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

1. 向一侧倾斜的;不匀称的
Something that is lopsided is uneven because one side is lower or heavier than the other.

e.g. His suit had shoulders that made him look lopsided.
e.g. ...a friendly, lopsided grin.

2. 悬殊的;严重不平衡的
If you say that a situation is lopsided, you mean that one element is much stronger, bigger, or more important than another element.

e.g. In 1916, Georgia Tech beat Cumberland 222-0. No game since has been that lopsided.
e.g. ...lopsided economic relations.

1. 不平衡的:10. buff:狂者爱好者 | 11. lopsided:不平衡的 | 12. cleft lip:兔唇

2. 固有横倾不平衡的:lopside 倾向一方 | lopsided 固有横倾不平衡的 | Lorac 劳拉克远程精确导航系统

3. 倾斜的,不平衡的,偏重的:lopo 零功率硫酸铀反应器 | lopsided 倾斜的,不平衡的,偏重的 | Lorad 罗拉德远距离探测系统


4. 倾向一方的:loppy 无力地下垂的 | lopsided 倾向一方的 | loquacity 好辩

  • 经典引文

  • The boy trailed in, lopsided with the weight of the bag.

    出自:G. W. Target
  • This charming church, of which I'd made lopsided drawings in childhood.

    出自:E. Blishen
  • The novelist's philosophy will always be a little lopsided.

This lopsided access to information increases both the likelihood of conflict and the probability that small disagreements could escalate.(这种信息流通的不对称不但增加了发生冲突的可能性,也容易使微小的分歧升级。)
His suit had shoulders that made him look lopsided.(他西装的肩部使他看上去两肩高低不平。)
It was an Israeli victory, but hardly lopsided.(胜利是以色列的,但是没有那么一边倒。)
To sum up: a system of conservation based solely on economic self-interest is hopelessly lopsided.(总而言之:一个完全基于经济利己主义的保护体系是不可救药的不平衡。)
The trouble is that the standard model of particle physics says they aren't lopsided enough.(问题的麻烦在于粒子物理学的标准模型认为,这种不完全对称还不足以说明问题。)
As worldwide growth speeds up, the chart may end up being less lopsided than it is now as other regions gain more users.(随着世界范围内iPhone操作系统的用户的增长,未来用户分布会比现在更加平衡,因为其他地区将会拥有更多的用户。)
In this messy, lopsided world beset by so much turmoil, that is a prize worth fighting for, in health and multiple other sectors.(在这个深陷混乱,凌乱而不公平的世界,卫生和其他一些部门值得为此奋斗。)
Although Eisenhower was expected to defeat Adlai Stevenson, no one imagined so lopsided a victory.(虽然人们预测艾森豪·威尔将打败阿德莱·史蒂文森,但是,没有人认为他会取得如此一面倒的胜利。)
When he finishes, her face is still lopsided and slightly bruised.(手术结束时,她的面部仍然歪向一边,且有些青肿。)
Its particular molecular structure involves a lopsided arrangement of fluorine atoms on one side and hydrogen atoms on the other.(其特殊的分子结构在于一侧是氟原子而另一侧是氢原子的不平衡排列。)
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