英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:36:29



英 [ləˈkweɪʃəs]

美 [loˈkweʃəs]


副词: loquaciously 名词: loquaciousness

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1. full of trivial conversation

e.g. kept from her housework by gabby neighbors

Synonym: chattygabbygarruloustalkativetalky

1. 喋喋不休的;话多的;饶舌的
If you describe someone as loquacious, you mean that they talk a lot.

e.g. The normally loquacious Mr O'Reilly has said little.

1. loquacious的意思

1. 爱说话的:57. tickle 发痒,胳肢 | 58. loquacious 爱说话的 | 59. flip-flop 夹趾拖鞋

2. loquacious

2. 喋喋不休的:57. tickle 发痒 | 58. loquacious 喋喋不休的 | 59. flip-flop 夹趾拖鞋

3. 饶舌的:57. Tickle胳肢 | 58. Loquacious饶舌的 | 59. Flip-flop劈啪声

4. loquacious的意思

4. 多嘴的:lopstick 棒状树 | loquacious 多嘴的 | loquacity 多话

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But tell the truth of sometimes I am also very vexed his loquacious, however I love her very much.(但是说实话的有时我也很烦他的唠叨,不过我很爱她。)
Often of loquacious in the rich brocade ear.(时不时的就在锦绣耳边唠叨。)
But even Mr Blagojevich, flamboyant and loquacious as he is, could not quite manage that.(不过,就算布拉戈耶维奇有多么抢眼、多么能说会道,他也做不到了。)
Joyce obeyed the modern narrative principle of neutrality and detachment during his early period of writing. However in Finnegans Wake, Joyce created a loquacious narrator.(在创作的早期,乔伊斯遵循的是中立、冷漠的现代叙述原则,但到了《芬尼根的守灵》,乔伊斯使叙述成了叙述者的快乐言说。)
He is usually loquacious, but tonight he is rather silent.(他通常话很多(loquacious),但今晚却沉默不语。)
Daniel Ellsberg - an endlessly loquacious mathematical genius, strategic thinker, and unlikely peacenik.(DanielEllsberg——一个总在不停唧唧呱呱的数学天才,战略智囊,以及不可貌相的反战主义者。)
Would you guess women are more loquacious?(你会认为女人更健谈吗?)
The grandsons such have been big, but is also loquacious!(孙子们都这么大了,还这么多嘴!)
For example, you could describe someone as "Tautologically loquacious".(例如,你可以描述一个人‘同义反复地罗嗦’。)
Sister Mary Loquacious has been a devout Satanist since birth.(玛丽•贫嘴修女从出生起就是撒旦虔诚的信徒。)
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