英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [lɔ:(r)]

美 [lɔr]


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1. knowledge gained through tradition or anecdote

e.g. early peoples passed on plant and animal lore through legend

Synonym: traditional knowledge

1. 传说;典故
The lore of a particular country or culture is its traditional stories and history.


e.g. ...the Book of the Sea, which was stuffed with sailors' lore.
e.g. ...ancient Catalan lore.

1. lore

1. 学问:其余学者还制作其他蘊含学问(lore)的货品,运用这些货品能够对极少特殊的冤家(兽人,巨魔和死灵)酿成更大的还击,恐怕治愈种种疾病. 缝纫:熟练的成衣能够运用大略的布疋制作简单的衣服,但随着时间和不停的时间,

2. 口头传说,口头文字:2. lore 口头传说,口头文字 | 3. patristic 有关早期基督教领袖的 | 4. vernacular 方言

  • 经典引文

  • We have learnt A different lore.

  • In the Cross we found our pulpit, In the Seven great Words, our lore.

    出自:J. M. Neale
In this land of Viking lore, men are at the heart of the gender-equality debate.(在这片维京文化占统治地位的土地上,男性是两性平等争论中的焦点。)
According to local lore, if you share a birthday or even a birth month with a dying relative, your days are likewise numbered.(根据当地传说,如果你的生日甚至出生的那个月和你一个即将去世的亲戚一致,那么你的生命也快要到头了。)
They've used private incantations, exotic lore, and secret formulas.(他们试过用隐秘的咒语、神奇的传说和秘密的配方。)
Financial-market lore has it that uttering “this time is different” is the easiest way to get laughed off a trading floor.(金融市场的传统是,声明“这次情况会不一样的”是最简单的以乐观心态离开交易场所的方式。)
On occasion, completing a storyline might give you less tangible 'prestige' rewards, such as titles or revealing special lore.(有时候,完成一条故事线可能会给你较少的实际“声望”奖励,如头衔或者揭开特别的传说故事。)
The most unique finds, however, are those in the "folk-lore" section of the museum.(最特别的发现是博物馆里“民间文学”展区的展品。)
When she was 4 years old, according to family lore, Nancy Rappaport, M.D., was the last person to see her mother alive.(家里人都知道,4岁时,NancyRappaport医学博士是她母亲生前见到的最后一个人。)
Humans are the director of dreams. Dragon lore is an expose of the capacity of self to consciously dream.(人类是自身梦想的引导者,龙族奥义会帮助人类展露出真我有意识造梦的能力。)
That means I shape the world design, lore, continuity - and, most importantly, the story of Guild Wars 2.(那意味着我塑造这个世界的知识面,连贯性还有最重要的是激战2的故事情节。)
Lore has it that the formations' name stems from the five towers' resemblance to a hand from the sky.(据资料,法蒂玛手的名称来源于它的5个“尖峰”与天空中的一只手相似。)
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