英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:38:12



英 [lu:b]

美 [lu:b]


过去式: lubed 过去分词: lubed 现在分词: lubing 第三人称单数: lubes

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  • 润滑油
  • 润滑剂
  • 润滑
  • 涂油
  • 黄油
  • 卢贝(人名)


1. a substance capable of reducing friction by making surfaces smooth or slippery

Synonym: lubricantlubricatorlubricating substance


1. apply a lubricant to

e.g. lubricate my car

Synonym: lubricate

1. 润滑油:Jensen点点头并撤出手指,低头迅速吸吮一下Jared的龟头,才挺直上身跪坐在双膝上,他将润滑油(lube)涂抹在阴茎表皮上,弯身压住Jared,一手握住自己的阴茎,另一手撑在Jared的头侧.

2. 润滑油[剂]:LOW WASH (仪表板字符)洗涤器液面过低 | lube 润滑油[剂] | lube oil 润滑油(=luboil)

3. 润滑:lube point 光点 | lube 润滑 | lube 润滑油

4. 滑润油:lto ==> 低温氧化物 | lube ==> 滑润油 | lube oil ==> 滑润油

Descriptions are presented on latest specification of diesel engine oil and its evaluation procedure, which can be guidance for development and application of lube oil in China.(简要介绍了国内外实施的发动机排放标准,详细描述了最新的柴油机机油规格及其评价方法,对我国机油的研发与应用有指导意义。)
The lube oil has become absolutely deteriorated.(滑油已经完全变质了。)
Then researching the forerunner PID control technique of the lube oil temperature control system, It is the first time take the nerve network PID control to them.(然后研究了滑油温度控制系统的先进PID控制技术,将神经网络PID控制引入其中。)
The main engine lube oil is very important for the stability work of the diesel engine.(船舶主机滑油温度对于柴油机的稳定工作非常重要。)
Domestic has conducted many years research in the lube oil salvage technology aspect, and had some quite mature technology.(国内外在废油再生技术方面进行了多年的研究,有了比较成熟的技术。)
The graduated scale to be provided for circulating lube oil tank.(在循环光滑油柜内应有刻度尺。)
It also has an excellent effect for paraffin-base lube oil after compounded with T803B.(与T803B复配后,对石蜡基油也有较好的降凝效果。)
In corrosion seihan lube when yellow liquid into gold and copper oxidation and reduction reactions producing replacement.(在腐蚀制版时用水溶解成金黄色液体与铜产生置换氧化还原作用。)
Commercial tests for the imported filter aids ECA7433 and SDA1615 were carried out in heavy lube oil benzol-ketone dewaxing unit in the refinery of Maoming Petrochemical Company.(在茂名石化公司炼油厂重质(?)苯脱腊装置上对进口ECA7433和SDA1615两种助滤剂进行了工业试验。)
Investigation results show that nanoparticles are excellent lube additive in point of anti-friction and anti-wear property.(研究表明,纳米粒子添加剂具有优良的抗磨减摩性能。)
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