英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈmædn]

美 [ˈmædn:]


过去式: maddened 过去分词: maddened 现在分词: maddening 第三人称单数: maddens

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  • 使暴怒
  • 使激动
  • 使发狂
  • 使大怒
  • 发狂
  • 烦透了
  • 让人心烦
  • 使非常生气
  • 使发疯
  • 激怒


1. make mad

e.g. His behavior is maddening

2. drive up the wall
go on someone's nerves

3. cause to go crazy
cause to lose one's mind

Synonym: craze

1. 使极为恼火;使狂怒
To madden a person or animal means to make them very angry.


e.g. He knew that what he was saying did not reach her. And the knowledge of it maddened him...
e.g. He is calmed by a lullaby, but maddened by any sudden loud noise.

1. 发狂:madcap 轻率的 | madden 发狂 | maddening 发狂

2. 现在最喜欢的游戏:最近读的书Secrets of the Code | 现在最喜欢的游戏Madden 10 | 最喜欢的运动团队Depends on whos winning

3. 使发狂:cosmopolitan 全世界的 | madden 使发狂 | flea-ridden 充满跳蚤的

4. 变疯狂:1169 mad 疯狂的 | 1170 madden 变疯狂 | 1171 mail 寄信

  • 经典引文

  • The result was one of those baffling reversals of form that madden tipsters.

I cannot reconcile myself to this idea — it would madden me.(我不能接受这种想法,它会使我发疯的。)
Madden 2008 the most the most popular Q version of turn-based games upcoming Raider!(2008年最劲爆最流行的Q版回合制游戏即将古墓丽影!)
I was hoping it would be a surprise, but now - "answered Madden."(“我希望这会是一个惊喜,但现在-回答说:”麦登。)
Ms. Madden, 37, a radio producer based in Philadelphia, was led there by Icelandic friends of her inlaws.(37岁的梅登小姐是费城的一个广播制作人,在几位冰岛籍朋友的引导下来到这里。)
It was Captain Richard Madden.(是理查德·马登上尉。)
With the iPad, the Madden franchise will finally get a chance to play ball on the biggest portable screen yet.(在iPad上情形就大为不同了,便携大屏幕上橄榄球终于可以真正疯狂起来。)
Last month, John Madden announced his retirement as a National Football League broadcaster.(上个月,约翰·梅登宣布从国家足球联播音员的位置上退下来。)
Bob Doughty tells us more about popular broadcaster John Madden.(鲍伯·道蒂来给我们讲述有关著名播音员约翰·梅登的故事。)
Madden says his decision to retire was difficult because he loves everything about football.(梅登说,由于他热爱有关足球的一切,所以做出退休的决定是艰难的。)
To make or become mad; madden.(使发疯或变得疯狂;使疯狂。)
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