英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 17:26:28
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1. People should not make a fuss as to the emergence of young lovers.

2. We should be wary of the US and its efforts to contain China but not make a fuss over it.

1. make a fuss of的反义词

1. The formation of such effects than the traditional pay close attention to internal management and make a fuss about much better from the sale.

2. Appears in the ancient Miss, and now real estate sales decline, she should think of ways to make a fuss about the publicity, but now people心慌慌, everyone at home what has been done by no one publicity also.

3. make a fuss of的近义词

3. A robin with a brown belly Was picking a live worm at the roadside She only lifted her head when I passed by Unwilling to give up her captive I clapped my hands unconsciously She withdrew a few inches only As if she would not abandon her delicacy Until I did loudly, she flew away I don't know why I did this To compete or just to make a fuss Could it be our sense of human superiority That we do whatever we please I hide myself afar to steal a look Would she come back again?

4. make a fuss of的反义词

4. They want to make a fuss of her.

5. L just believe half of he said. l don't want to make a fuss for this matter.

6. I don't want to make a fuss of the trifle.

7. Don`t make such a fuss infront of the patient.

8. You like to get us worried so we'll make a fuss of you.

9. Don`t make a fuss of them.
不要再溺爱他们了 7。


10. Of UUZone close stopping is a case only just, do not be worth to make a fuss of.

11. Should I make more of a fuss about the cost of fine wine, or just bring plonk?


12. If you make a fuss of yourself in fruitful autumn, you will regret it in the cold winter.


13. And intelligently thought-out tools that make sense, work well, and get the job done with a minimum of fuss

14. Many people in current have plentiful imagination, they make a big fuss over a minor problem, create something out of nothing.

15. You are such a romantic soul by nature that someone only needs to make a fuss of you and you may consider falling in love with this person.

16. make a fuss of

16. Don't make a fuss of them!

17. Grandma loves to make a fuss of the children when they come to see her.

18. Don't make a fuss in the middle of the street.

19. make a fuss of的翻译

19. To lionize a person—to make a big fuss over someonethe lions at the Tower of London were considered its main attraction

20. But60 per cent of the1000 men questioned said their efforts were unnoticed by the woman in their lives because they did not like to make a fuss.

She began to make a fuss asking from where he got the COINS. Finally he told her that it was the baraka of the Shaykh.(她吵吵闹闹的问金币来源,塔威不得已告诉她这是导师的恩赐。)
To enhance the competitiveness of weak brands, only from the marketing strategy is not enough to make a fuss about.(要提升弱势品牌的竞争力,仅从营销策略上做文章是不够的。)
"Really," she said, "there's nothing to make such a fuss about." Try taking half as many as nuts and raisins as you have in your hand and you'll find it will come out of the jar quite easily.(“真的吗,”妈妈说,“没关系的,只要抓你现在手里坚果和葡萄干的一半,你就会很容易的拿出手了。”)
Then tell him about some of your special memories in order that he can understand more about why you are so keen to make a big fuss on someone's birthday.(去看看他喜不喜欢他的家人做事的方式,并且告诉他一些你特别的回忆,这样他就会更理解为什么你很渴望把生日办得很隆重了。)
I am used to treating this kind of thing with the needed distance and I do not want to make a fuss.(我认为在球场上才是重要的,我完全坚持我所说的和做的。”“我习惯以一个所需的距离来对待这类事情,我不想大惊小怪。)
You are such a romantic soul by nature that someone only needs to make a fuss of you and you may consider falling in love with this person.(你天生就是一个浪漫的人,只要有人让你感觉紧张不安,你就会有要爱上他的感觉。)
They think, it is a natural thing that each one disagrees, so, in people chat on the suggestion of exchanging and at will, never because you will disagree and feel that make a fuss.(他们认为,各人意见不同是理所当然的事,所以,人们在交换意见和随便闲聊中,决不会因你的意见不同而感到大惊小怪。)
Slowly flow to make a fuss over minor things on coming in to call, and hurtle he after death of the miss say: See?(徐流一进门就大惊小怪叫起来,并冲他身后的姑娘说:看见了?)
Considering the current global economic environment, we should not make a big fuss over some decrease of foreign investment because it is completely natural.(在当前国内外经济环境下,外资流入趋向减少,在情理之中,我们不必要大惊小怪。)
Maybe you are not aware of it. Do not be so nervous! Do not make a fuss!...(也许你自己还不知道别那么紧张用英文怎…谢谢了。)
make a fuss of是什么意思 make a fuss of在线翻译 make a fuss of什么意思 make a fuss of的意思 make a fuss of的翻译 make a fuss of的解释 make a fuss of的发音 make a fuss of的同义词