英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:45:52
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant

Synonym: malodourstenchstinkreekfetorfoetormephitis

1. 恶臭:malocclusion 错位咬合 | malodor 恶臭 | malodorous 恶臭的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

As long as people saw "Malodor" on a hammer, they will all purchase the hammer.(人们只要在锤子看到梅尔多几个字,就会毫不犹豫地买下它。)
Odor or malodor, which refers to unpleasant smells and is generally regarded as a nuisance, is nowadays considered an important environmental pollution issue.(恶臭引起人们不愉快的感受,妨害人们的生产生活,其污染已成为一个重要的环境问题。)
Sampling technology of malodor was completely described based on the existing national standard method.(针对现有国标方法中的恶臭采样技术进行了更为全面的叙述。)
Living bacteria products used as feed additives can reduce malodor of feces, prevent diarrhoea and increase domesitic animals' performance.(活菌制剂作为饲料添加剂可降低畜禽粪臭、防止幼畜下痢和提高畜禽生产力。)
During long working process, Malodor was always thinking of improving hammers' every detail, never be perfunctory about working.(在漫长的工作过程中,梅尔多总是在想法设法改进锤子的每一个细节,绝不敢疏忽大意。)
Blacksmiths Malodor confidently said: "I grantee that every hammer I make can be the best axe". Finally the carpenter got a very good axe — better than ever.(铁匠梅尔多非常自信地说,最后,木匠得到的的确是一把很好的锤子-----一把没有比这更好的锤子。)
With the development of production scale and intension of animal husbandry industry, more and more people are concerning the damage of malodor contamination from livestock and poultry farms.(随着畜牧业生产规模的扩大和集约化程度的提高,畜禽养殖场产生的恶臭所造成的危害已经引起人们的普遍关注。)
Objective:The purpose of the study is to investigate the changes of oral malodor in gingivitis patients by using different therapeutic methods.(目的:研究牙龈炎患者口气的一般状况,观察不同治疗方法对牙龈炎患者口气的影响。)
Latterly, a boss of a hardware store heard of Malodor could make good hammers, and he ordered two.(后来,一个五金店的老板听说了此事,订制了两打锤子。)
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