英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 17:29:56



英 [ˈmæml]

美 [ˈmæməl]


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形容词: mammalian

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  • 哺乳动物
  • 哺乳纲动物
  • [C]哺乳动物 any of the group of vertebrate animals that includes man and all others which nourish their young with milk


1. any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin more or less covered with hair
young are born alive except for the small subclass of monotremes and nourished with milk

Synonym: mammalian

1. 哺乳动物
Mammals are animals such as humans, dogs, lions, and whales. In general, female mammals give birth to babies rather than laying eggs, and feed their young with milk.


1. mammal

1. 哺乳类动物:哺乳类动物(Mammal)哺乳类是一种恒温、脊椎动物,身体有毛发,大部分都是胎生,并藉由乳腺哺育后代. 哺乳动物是动物发展史上最高级的阶段,也是与人类关系最密切的一个类群.

2. 哺乳类:大意为:鸟类和哺乳类(MAMMAL) 会通过后天学习改善行 为. 然后举例说,当一些观众鸟看见别的鸟在吃红色容 器里的食 物后出现不良症状(如拼命甩头) 就不再吃该容 器内食 物. 但有些鸟类(AVIAN) 及禽类 不一样,

  • 常用例句

  • Whales are mammals that live in the sea.
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.mammal

Among mammals alone, the number of nocturnal species is astonishing, Light is a powerful biological force, and on many species it acts as a magnet(磁铁).

仅在哺乳动物中, 夜行性动物的数量就非常惊人, 光是一种强大的生物力量, 对许多动物来说, 光就像磁铁一样。


The coastal hypothesis suggests an economy based on marine mammal hunting, saltwater fishing gathering, and the use of watercraft.(沿海假说提出了一种以捕猎海洋哺乳动物、收集捕捞咸水鱼和使用船只为基础的经济模式。)
The only clear explanation is that humans caused the extinction of the various mammal species through excessive hunting.(唯一明确的解释是人类的过度捕猎导致了各种哺乳动物的灭绝。)
The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump.(大象是唯一一种不会跳的哺乳类动物。)
Because fish look through water, their eyes are very different from a mammal.(因为鱼能透过水看东西,它们的眼睛与哺乳动物非常不同。)
Here is a mammal.(这是一只哺乳动物。)
That's like comparing a modern mammal to a dinosaur.(这就好比拿现代哺乳类动物和恐龙相比较一样。)
Bats is the only mammal that can fly.(蝙蝠是唯一能飞的哺乳动物。)
Like when you walk outside on a hot day, you perspire, and your body cools itself down, a classic example of how a mammal regulates its own body temperature.(比如,当你在炎热的天气在户外行走,你会出汗,你的身体会自我降温,这是哺乳动物如何调节自身体温的典型例子。)
I mean, Ambulocetus is a mammal that shows a sort of bridge between walking on land and swimming.(我的意思是,陆行鲸是一种哺乳动物,可以指明一个路上行走动物和水中游泳动物的清晰联系。)
A whale is a kind of mammal.(鲸是一种哺乳动物。)
mammal是什么意思 mammal在线翻译 mammal什么意思 mammal的意思 mammal的翻译 mammal的解释 mammal的发音 mammal的同义词