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英 [maʊs]

美 [maʊs]



名词复数: mice 过去式: moused 过去分词: moused 现在分词: mousing 第三人称单数: mouses

  • 详情解释

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  • 【计】滑鼠
  • 【动】耗子,老鼠,鼠,小鼠,尤指家鼠
  • 【计】鼠标(器)
  • 胆小怕羞的人
  • 青肿
  • 光标移动控制盒
  • 女人,姑娘
  • 坠子
  • 捕鼠,捉耗子
  • (偷偷地)搜寻,搜索,搜捕,寻找
  • 慢慢地走动
  • (来回)窥探
  • 欺负,虐待
  • 扯开,撕裂
  • 【海】用鼠装饰
  • 用绳子扎紧
  • 【计】使用鼠标
  • 探出
  • abb.minimum orbital unmanned satellite of the earth 不载人的最小人造地球卫星
  • [C]老鼠,耗子 a small furry animal with a long tail that lives in houses and in field, related to but smaller than a rat
  • [C]羞怯,胆小的人 shy, timid person


1. any of numerous small rodents typically resembling diminutive rats having pointed snouts and small ears on elongated bodies with slender usually hairless tails

2. a hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad
on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad

e.g. a mouse takes much more room than a trackball

Synonym: computer mouse

3. person who is quiet or timid

4. a swollen bruise caused by a blow to the eye

Synonym: shinerblack eye


1. manipulate the mouse of a computer

2. to go stealthily or furtively

e.g. ..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor's house

Synonym: sneakcreeppussyfoot

The plural mouses can be used for meaning 2.
复数 mouses 可用于义项2。

1. 老鼠;耗子
A mouse is a small furry animal with a long tail.

e.g. ...a mouse running in a wheel in its cage.
e.g. ...the problem of rats and mice.

2. 鼠标
A mouse is a device that is connected to a computer. By moving it over a flat surface and pressing its buttons, you can move the cursor around the screen and do things without using the keyboard.

3. game of cat and mouse -> see cat

1. mouse什么意思

1. 滑鼠:14.(O) 滑鼠(Mouse)一般常见者有光学式和机械式两种. 写入资料. 17.(O) 所谓韧体(firmware)是指将软体转变为硬体形式以供使用. 21.(O) 作业系统(Operation System)能对记忆体中程式或资料所需求的空间做有效而安全的分配31.(O) 一个位元组(byte)是由 8 个位元(bit)所组成.

2. 鼠标器:鼠标器 鼠标器(Mouse)也是一种常用的输入设备,一般有 2~3 个键,它通过 RS-232C 接口与主机连接.鼠标器的平面移动可以转化为鼠标箭头在屏幕上 的移动,用鼠标箭头选择屏幕上的命令,程序名或图标,

3. mouse的解释

3. mouse:mou; 鼠

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  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

1. like a drowned mouse : 狼狈不堪;

  • The cat was playing with a live mouse.
  • This mouse is very big.
  • A mouse is a timid creature.
  • A mouse is a small animal.
  • The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.
  • A lion at home, a mouse abroad.
  • Are you a man or a mouse?
用作名词 (n.)
  • Not low this morning I hope? You ought not to be, dear Mouse.

  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • mouse的意思是“老鼠”“耗子”,指一种较rat小的、尾巴细长的啮齿类动物。用于比喻还可指“胆小如鼠的人”“怕羞的人”。mouse在科技术语中,指电脑上的“鼠标”“光标移动控制盒”。
  • mouse的复数形式是mice。
mouse, rat
  • rat指“田鼠”;mouse指“家鼠”,一般比rat小。
    • ☆ 直接源自古英语的mus;最初源自希腊语的mus,意为鼠。
    • 高考真题例句

    高考真题例句 OG 1.mouse

    Tononi's team measured the size of these connections, or synapses, in the brains of 12 mice.

    Tononi 的团队测量了12只老鼠大脑中这些连接或突触物的大小。


    • 近义词

    • 临近词

    Mickey Mouse starts as an ugly, little rodent.(米老鼠开始是又丑又小的噬齿动物。)
    This mouse will never roar enough.(这只老鼠永远不会发出足够大的吼声。)
    The cat sprang on the mouse.(猫一跃扑向那只老鼠。)
    Select the text you want to format by holding down the left button on your mouse.(按住鼠标左键选取你想要格式化的文本。)
    One day a little mouse was thirsty.(一天,一只小老鼠口渴了。)
    Suddenly the cat sprang at the mouse.(那只猫突然向老鼠扑了过去。)
    Her message had been written; all she had to do was click the mouse.(她的信息已经写好;她要做的只是点击鼠标。)
    The fourth one was a purple mouse.(第四个是只紫色的老鼠。)
    A mouse. What colour is it? White.(一只老鼠。它是什么颜色的?白色。)
    He moves the cursor, clicks the mouse.(他移动光标,点击鼠标。)
    mouse是什么意思 mouse在线翻译 mouse什么意思 mouse的意思 mouse的翻译 mouse的解释 mouse的发音 mouse的同义词