英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:47:48



英 [ˈmæntl]

美 [ˈmæntl:]



过去式: mantled 过去分词: mantled 现在分词: mantling 第三人称单数: mantles

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1. a sleeveless garment like a cloak but shorter

Synonym: cape

2. hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window)

Synonym: curtaindrapedraperypall

3. shelf that projects from wall above fireplace

e.g. in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece

Synonym: mantelmantelpiecemantlepiecechimneypiece

4. (zoology) a protective layer of epidermis in mollusks or brachiopods that secretes a substance forming the shell

Synonym: pallium

5. the cloak as a symbol of authority

e.g. place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders

6. anything that covers

e.g. there was a blanket of snow

Synonym: blanket

7. the layer of the earth between the crust and the core


1. cover like a mantle

e.g. The ivy mantles the building

2. spread over a surface, like a mantle

1. (指某一职业或要职的)责任,职责
If you take on the mantle of something such as a profession or an important job, you take on the responsibilities and duties which must be fulfilled by anyone who has this profession or job.


e.g. Glasgow has broadened its appeal since taking on the mantle of European City of Culture in 1990...
e.g. She has the intellectual form to take up the mantle of leadership.

2. 覆盖物;幕;罩
A mantle of something is a layer of it covering a surface, for example a layer of snow on the ground.

e.g. The parks and squares looked grim under a mantle of soot and ash.

3. (旧时的)披风,斗篷
A mantle is a piece of clothing without sleeves that people used to wear over their other clothes in former times.

4. see also: mantel


1. 地幔:依据震波速度之不连续性,可将地球内部分成(由上而下):地壳(EarthCrust),地幔(Mantle)及地核(Core)三带. 此分带与上述分圈不同. 软流圈大致相当于上部地幔,中心圈大致相当于下部地幔及地核.

2. mantle的翻译

2. 斗篷:她在1998年装置作品斗篷(mantle)给我重重的一击. 现在美国迈阿密艺术博物馆. 看看那女人身后的六万支鲜花!沉静的女人手中的线团,落地玻璃窗外洒进来的光亮!那种美惊心动魄又不动声色,震撼了十二岁的我,如今再看依旧是震撼再震撼.


3. 外套膜:large opening,与适当大小的byssus结合,croceas可以牢固的附着在底层,特大的pedal外套膜(mantle)可以完全扩张和收缩(下面有介绍). 关于软体部分,croceas扩张外套膜(mantle),超出贝壳上部边缘,从上面看完全将贝壳遮住.

4. 地函:依据震波速度之不连续性,可将地球内部分成(由上而下):地壳(EarthCrust),地函(Mantle)及地核(Core)三带. 地壳和地函之间的分界面被称为「莫霍界面」(Moho discontinuity)莫氏不连续面岩石圈(Lithosphere)下之软层圈为软流圈(Asthenosphere)属於上部地函(upper mantle)海洋的外壳通常比较薄,

  • 经典引文

  • He had taken upon himself the mantle of Health Officer.

    出自:R. Dahl
  • Since Freud's death the mantle had mutually descended on Anna Freud and Ernest Jones.

    出自:V. Brome
  • The mourning-stole no more Mantled her form.

    出自:M. Arnold
  • This frenzy of solitude which mantles me now.

    出自:M. Amis
  • Clouds mantled the white hills.

    出自:R. Carver
The mantle's motions, analogous to those in a pot of boiling water, cool the mantle by carrying hot material to the surface and returning cooler material to the depths.(地幔的运动类似于一壶沸水的运动,它把热的物质带到表面,再把较冷的物质带到深处,从而使地幔冷却。)
Since the early twentieth century, geophysicists have understood that the mantle churns and roils like a thick soup.(自二十世纪初以来,地球物理学家已经了解到地幔像浓汤一样搅动和翻滚。)
The formation of Earth's crust protected the inner layers of Earth from the high-energy particles in space, reducing the temperatures of the mantle and the core.(地壳的形成保护了地球的内层不受太空中高能粒子的影响,降低了地幔和地核的温度。)
The plumes apparently originate at great depths, perhaps as deep as the boundary between the core and the mantle, and many have been active for a very long time.(这些地幔柱显然起源于很深的地方,可能深至地核和地幔之间的边界,而且许多都已经活跃了很长时间。)
The explanation may be in Earth's mantle, the layer of rock underlying the tectonic plates and extending down over 1,800 miles to the outer edge of Earth's iron core.(解释可能是在地球的地幔中,这是在构造板块下面的岩石层,向下延伸超过1800英里到地球铁芯的外边缘。)
All are slowly moving because the plates float on a denser sem-iliquid mantle, the layer between the crust and Earth's core.(所有板块都在缓慢移动,因为它们漂浮在密度更大的半流体地幔上,也就是地壳和地核之间的那一层。)
Much more than the crust, the mantle contains information about a planet's or moon's total composition.(地幔包含的远远不仅是地壳,还有关于行星或卫星的总体构成的信息。)
By compiling a map of seismic velocities from thousands of earthquakes across the globe, they can also begin to map temperatures and densities throughout the mantle.(通过编制全球数千次地震的地震速度图,他们还可以开始绘制地幔的温度和密度图。)
The descending rock is substantially cooler than the surrounding mantle and hence is less ductile and much more liable to fracture.(下降的岩石比周围的地幔的温度低很多,因此延展性较小,更容易断裂。)
Not everyone agrees, but some experts are convinced that whatever created the SPA Basin did penetrate the Moon's mantle.(并不是每个人都同意这个观点,但一些专家相信,无论塑造SPA盆地的是什么,它确实穿透了月球的地幔。)
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