英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:48:25



英 [mɑ:(r)]

美 [mɑ:r]





过去式: marred 过去分词: marred 现在分词: marring 第三人称单数: mars

  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 缺点
  • 污点
  • 瑕疵
  • 损伤
  • 毁损
  • 障碍
  • 大西洋中脊
  • =maritime 海上的
  • =March 三月
  • 损伤
  • 玷污
  • 毁损
  • 损害
  • 弄坏
  • 打断
  • 刹尽风景
  • 美中不足
  • 弄得一塌糊涂
  • 毁坏
  • 损毁
  • 糟蹋
  • 弄糟
  • 破坏
  • vt. 毁坏;损坏;玷污 damage;make a cut,bruise,or dent in sth


1. a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body)

e.g. a facial blemish

Synonym: blemishdefect


1. destroy or injure severely

e.g. mutilated bodies

Synonym: mutilate

2. make imperfect

e.g. nothing marred her beauty

Synonym: impairspoildeflowervitiate

1. 破坏;损坏;毁坏
To mar something means to spoil or damage it.


e.g. A number of problems marred the smooth running of this event...
e.g. That election was marred by massive cheating.

1. mar是什么意思

1. 三月:2907 三月 (MAR) 四月 (APR)六月 (JUN) 日一二考生须先上网登录基本资料,并取得报名转帐虚拟帐号,凭此帐号至全省各地金融机构自动柜员机(ATM)转帐缴款.

2. 存储地址寄存器:(1)、该指令系统最多可有多少指令?该计算机最多有多少个通用寄存器?(勤思教育)存储地址寄存器(MAR)和存储数据寄存器(MDR)至少各需多少位?

3. mar什么意思

3. 摩洛哥:沙特阿拉伯(KSA)拉脱维亚(LAT) 立陶宛(LTU) 卢森堡(LUX) 摩洛哥(MAR) 马来西亚(MAS) 墨西哥(MEX) 蒙古(MGL)纳米比亚(NAM) 荷兰(NED) 尼日利亚(NGR) 挪威NOR) 新西兰(NZL)波兰(POL)葡萄牙(POR) 朝鲜(PRK)...5、阿提密斯神殿 阿提密斯是希腊的狩猎女神,

4. 标记染色体:西哥特骑兵凌厉的反击将匈在染色体的报告中,我们常可见到的结构异常还有等臂染色体(i)、断裂(b)、断片(f)、 裂隙(g)、双微体(dmin)、双着丝粒染色体(dic)、微小体(min)、内复制(end)、三射体(tr)、四射体(qr)、环状染色体(r)、随体(s)、标记染色体(mar)、衍生染色体(der)

5. mar:matrix attachment regions; 基质结合区

6. mar:matrix attachment region; 核基质结合区

7. mar什么意思

7. mar:march; 三月

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • I hope the fact that Jack isn't coming won't mar your enjoyment of the evening.
  • 1
  • The scenic beauty of this region was marred by commercial signs.
  • Almost a mar to his beauty were his two black brows, too heavy..for his young, pale face.

    出自:P. S. Buck
  • The vessel is so marred that it cannot be repaired.

    出自:R. W. Hamilton
  • Not a wrinkle marred the smoothness of her skin.

    出自:W. S. Maugham
  • She led a busy, enjoyable life, only slightly marred by occasional twinges of anxiety.

    出自:D. Lodge
  • Brooke, complete with a streaming cold which had marred the weekend.

    出自:D. Fraser
  • His interesting ideas are rather marred by a self-indulgent..style.

    出自:P. Lomas
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Its beaches are not up to Caribbean standards but resorts such as Vina del Mar are generally clean and unspoilt and have a high standard of services.(它的海滩虽然没有达到加勒比的标准,但像维纳德马这样的度假胜地一般都很干净,没有受到破坏,而且服务水平很高。)
Approval Date (as of board presentation) MAR 31, 2009.(批准日期(截止提交执董会之日)2009年3月31日。)
Ensure that WebSphere Business Modeler project (.mar,.zip) is selected, then click Next.(确保选择WebSphereBusinessModelerproject(.mar,.zip),然后单击Next。)
The Modeler Archive (MAR) file simulation-demo.mar contains the processes for the demo.(ModelerArchive(MAR)文件simulation-demo.mar含有用于该演示的流程。)
"There's a common belief that reading literature is frivolous, or not practical," Mar said.(“人们普遍认为阅读文学作品是轻浮的,或者是不切实际的。”马尔说。)
Select WebSphere Business Modeler project (.mar,.zip), and click Next.(选择WebSphereBusinessModelerproject(.mar,.zip),单击Next。)
Acurio's La Mar restaurant above is a lunch-only cevicheria in Lima.(艾科留(Acurio)的拉马尔(LaMar)餐厅(见上图)是利马一个午餐只供应酸橘汁腌鱼(cevicheria)的餐馆。)
Development is ongoing, and this article is based on V2.6.18, which was released 7 Mar 2007.(开发正在进行,而本文基于V2.6.18版本,该版本发布于2007年3月7日。)
The Exhibiton started from Mar. 28 and will last 10 days until Apr. 8.(展览从3月28日开始,至4月8日结束,历时10天。)
The patterns are numbered to match the examples in the .mar file.(模式的编号与.mar文件中的示例相对应。)
mar是什么意思 mar在线翻译 mar什么意思 mar的意思 mar的翻译 mar的解释 mar的发音 mar的同义词