英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:49:44



英 [ˈmɑ:ʃl]

美 [ˈmɑ:rʃl]



名词: marshalcy 过去式: marshaled/marshalled 过去分词: marshaled/marshalled 现在分词: marshaling/marshalling 第三人称单数: marshals/marshals

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  • 典礼官
  • 司仪
  • 陆军元帅,陆空军高级将官
  • 空军元帅
  • 马歇尔(音译名)
  • 宪兵主任
  • 元帅,司令官
  • 联邦法院执行官
  • 市司法官
  • 消防队长,消防局长
  • 警察局长
  • 体育竞赛组织人员
  • 执法官,职行官
  • 官员
  • 高级将官
  • 整理
  • 安排
  • 整顿
  • (使)排列
  • 【徽章】配列(纹章在盾等上)
  • 【律】决定分派次序
  • 集合,汇集,集结,收集
  • 带,领
  • 引导,引领
  • 列举
  • 清理
  • 统帅
  • 调度,指挥
  • 编列,将编组
  • 配置
  • 控制人群
  • 组织
  • 维持秩序
  • [C]元帅,最高指挥官 an officer of the highest rank in certain armies and airforces
  • [C]典礼官,司仪 an official in charge of making arrangement for an important public or royal ceremony or event
  • [C]执法官,警察局长,消防局长 officer with duties similar to a sheriff's; head of police or fire department
  • vt. 整理,排列,集结 arrange sb/sth in proper order; gather


1. a law officer having duties similar to those of a sheriff in carrying out the judgments of a court of law

Synonym: marshall

2. (in some countries) a military officer of highest rank

Synonym: marshall



1. make ready for action or use

e.g. marshal resources

Synonym: mobilizemobilisesummon

2. arrange in logical order

e.g. marshal facts or arguments

3. place in proper rank

e.g. marshal the troops

4. lead ceremoniously, as in a procession

in AM, use 美国英语用 marshaling, mar-shaled

1. 召集;收集;安排;组织
If you marshal people or things, you gather them together and arrange them for a particular purpose.

e.g. Richard was marshalling the doctors and nurses, showing them where to go.
e.g. ...the way in which Britain marshalled its economic and political resources to protect its security interests.

2. 司仪,典礼官;(尤指体育赛事的)总指挥
A marshal is an official who helps to supervise a public event, especially a sports event.

e.g. The grand prix is controlled by well-trained marshals...
e.g. During the demonstration, marshals handed over to the police a young man caught breaking shop windows.

3. (美国等的地方)警察局局长
In the United States and some other countries, a marshal is a police officer, often one who is responsible for a particular area.

e.g. A federal marshal was killed in a shoot-out.

4. 消防队长
A marshal is an officer in a fire department.


e.g. ...a Cleveland county fire marshal.

5. (英国等的)陆军元帅,空军元帅
In Britain and some other countries, a marshal is an officer who has the highest rank in an army or air force.

e.g. ...Air Chief Marshal Sir Kenneth Cross.

1. 列集:(2)列集(marshal).NET客户与COM对象之间的调用,列集的对象包括方法的参数返回值等,比如C#中的string与COM中的BSTR之间的转换. (3)CLR为每个COM对象创建一个RCW,与对象上的引用数无关,就是说每个COM对象有且只会有一个RCW对象.

2. marshal的解释

2. 封送:} } 有一个问题就是,回调方法不会与调用代码在相同的线程执行.这意味着它可能会在执行应用程序另一部分的同时又执行.所以可以使用INVOKE()方法,将控制方法调用操作封送(MARSHAL)到用户线程.这里用

3. 编组:这些 Java 对象看起来很像bean,但是可以编组(marshal)或者解组(un-marshal)为XML字符或者流,更重要的是可以对原始的Shcema进行验证. Castor是一个开放源码的工作,遵循了开放的Web服务技术. 这得到了一个非常活跃的开发组织的支持,

  • 常用短语

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    按礼仪引导觐见guide or lead sb with ceremony into sth
    marshal sb into sth

    He marshaled them into the presence of the Queen.


    The foreign visitors were marshaled into the presence of the king.


  • Zhukov was a marshal of former Soviet Union .
  • The marshal rode at the head of the parade.
  • He was appointed fire marshal.
  • The general marshaled his army for battle.
  • Marshal your arguments before debating.
  • He marshaled his facts well.
  • 1
  • She was marshaled before the king.
用作名词 (n.)
用作动词 (v.)
  • Marshals along the route..to guide the way and help you to get there.

    出自:Bike Events
  • Jan Evertsen and Cornelis Tromp marshalled the Dutch fleet into a controlled withdrawal.

    出自:D. A. Thomas
  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

marshal, arrange, methodize, order, organize
  • 这组词都有“整理”“安排”的意思。它们的区别是:
  • 1.order指把事物安排得井井有条,和谐一致,或者按照固有的或严格的规则进行“安排”。
  • 2.arrange指按照恰当的秩序、关系、计划、需要或可能等进行“安排”或“调整”。例如:
  • Before going away, he arranged his business affairs.在离开之前,他把业务都安排好了。
  • The point is how to arrange our daily life well.问题在于如何把我们的日常生活安排好。
  • 3.marshal指为了便于安排或提高效率而进行的“调整”“整理”。例如:
  • Next day he found they had been marshaled to go by air to Beijing.第二天,他发现大家已经安排好,打算乘飞机到北京去。
  • 4.methodize指通过规定次序、方式等使工作条理化。例如:
  • We want you to methodize the everyday work of the factory.我们要你使厂里的日常工作条理化。
  • 5.organize指把分散的有关人员或事物编成一个整体,使每一个体在这个整体中都能各尽其职或各行其是。例如:
  • Older students were having difficulty in studying and organizing themselves.年龄大的学生们学习有困难,也难以组织起来。
  • The explorer organized an expedition to the North Pole.这位探险家组织了一次北极探险活动。
    • ☆ 13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的mareschal,意为部队的司令。
    Marshal could not help her.(元帅不能帮助她。)
    Marshal and his wife were the only people our age in the group.(元帅和他的妻子是唯一的在我们这个时代的人本集团。)
    He finds creative ways to marshal the right resources at the right time.(他找到有创造性的方式在适当的时间调度适当的资源。)
    Marshal looked at March.(望着元帅3月。)
    Police were brought in to marshal the crowd.(警察奉命来维持秩序。)
    I do not know who saw it first, but Marshal picked it up.(我不知道谁第一次看到它,但元帅的选择了。)
    Air Chief Marshal Glenn Torpy told the graduates, "This is probably one of the most significant milestones in an aviator's career."(空军上将MarshalGlennTorpy告诉毕业生,“这可能是飞行员职业生涯中最重要的里程碑之一。”)
    She was ordered out of her home by a fire marshal because the house next door had an explosion from a leaking gas main.(她被消防队长命令离开自己的家,因为隔壁房的煤气主管道泄漏发生了爆炸。)
    Often when he stood next to his wife, Marshal reminded me of an unhappy dog.(通常当他站在旁边,他的妻子,元帅我想起不愉快的狗。)
    Marshal walked next to me.(元帅走到我旁边。)
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