英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈmægnɪtju:d]

美 [ˈmægnɪtu:d]



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  • 大小
  • 巨大
  • 量,数量
  • 重大,重要(性)
  • 广大
  • 【地】震级
  • 音量
  • 强度
  • 【天】星等
  • 光度
  • 伟大
  • 【数】量值
  • 等级
  • 许多
  • [U]巨大; 重要性 greatness of size or importance
  • [C]〈天〉星等 the degree of brightness of a star



1. the property of relative size or extent (whether large or small)

e.g. they tried to predict the magnitude of the explosion
about the magnitude of a small pea

2. relative importance

e.g. a problem of the first magnitude

3. a number assigned to the ratio of two quantities
two quantities are of the same order of magnitude if one is less than 10 times as large as the other
the number of magnitudes that the quantities differ is specified to within a power of 10

Synonym: order of magnitude

1. 巨大;庞大;重要(性)
If you talk about the magnitude of something, you are talking about its great size, scale, or importance.


e.g. An operation of this magnitude is going to be difficult...
e.g. These are issues of great magnitude...

2. 星等(指星的亮度);震级;(爆炸的)强度
Magnitude is used in stating the size or extent of something such as a star, earthquake, or explosion.


e.g. ...the 1.2 magnitude star Fomalhaut...
星等为1.2 的北落师门星
e.g. The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3.

3. 程度;重要性
You can use order of magnitude when you are giving an approximate idea of the amount or importance of something.


e.g. America and Russia do not face a problem of the same order of magnitude as Japan.

4. 数量级
In mathematics, if one amount is an order of magnitude larger than another, it is ten times larger than the other. If it is two orders of magnitude larger, it is a hundred times larger.

e.g. The time delay would be smaller by eight orders of magnitude.

1. 震级:虽然都是描述地震,强度和烈度两个完全不同的概念.强度用震级(MAGNITUDE)衡量,指的是地震时释放的能量.烈度(INTENSITY)则是指地震造成的危害.很明显,一个地震的强度是固定的,而同一强度的地震,

2. magnitude什么意思

2. 数量:但是这些数量(magnitude)不能等同于的经济学概念的利润和亏损,千万不能混淆了它们. 如果一个税法把某个数量称为利润,那么实际上它就决定了应收税款的高度. 它把这个数量称为利润是因为它想在公众的心目中为税收政策而正名.

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1. of the first magnitude : a. 头等重要的;

  • The auditorium is a building of great magnitude.
  • The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening.
  • I hadn't realized the magnitude of the problem.
  • It is difficult to comprehend the magnitude of his crime.
  • Stars of the first magnitude are the brightest.
用作名词 (n.)
  • As our eye ranged over..the mountain..the conception of its magnitude grew.

    出自:J. Tyndall
  • I cannot see the magnitude of the offence.

    出自:C. Hayford
  • We can never forget the magnitude of the difficulties.

    出自:J. Barzun
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 1400年左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的magnitudo,意为大小,重要性。
The largest so far was a 6.9 magnitude aftershock.(到目前为止的最大余震为6.9级。)
Scientists recorded the magnitude of the earthquake at 8.9.(科学家记录此次地震震级为8.9级。)
The magnitude of the palace was unbelievable.(宫殿的巨大是难以置信的。)
It covers 40 orders of magnitude.(它跨越了40个数量级。)
The argument is over the magnitude of the stimulus.(争论在于刺激经济的重要性上。)
The magnitude of the leveraged purchases is hard to gauge.(负债买地的规模有多大,目前很难衡量。)
Earthquake magnitude: 7.7.(震级:7.7。)
Postulating the effect is one thing; teasing it out from the cobweb of climatic feedback loops and estimating its magnitude is something else altogether.(假设其影响是一码事,在气候反馈循环的蛛丝马迹中对其研究,并评估其重要性则完全是另外一码事。)
This is a far cry from the funds necessary for a problem of such magnitude.(这与解决如此重大的问题所需的资金相去甚远。)
It's the magnitude squared of the velocity.(这是速度大小,的平方。)
magnitude是什么意思 magnitude在线翻译 magnitude什么意思 magnitude的意思 magnitude的翻译 magnitude的解释 magnitude的发音 magnitude的同义词